In which city did Ritu and Dominic first meet?
Chocolate Mousse Royal
What sport could Nakul not do because of his pigeon chest?
What is the coffee shop that the crew spend all their time together?
Central Perk
Who helped Nakul with the daily cash records at Baskin Robbins?
What year did we get Cookie?
What was Papa’s nickname growing up?
What NYC restaurant was 1) the site of all Paul family celebrations and 2) the first place Aruna met the family?
Chinese Mirch
What card game is a staple at all family gatherings?
What email address did Mom and Papa use for 10 years?
Ritu has a piece of metal in her body. Where is it?
Her wrist
What is the name of the talking snowman who comes alive?
Which resort was this taken at?
Coconut Lagoon
What sport did Mom almost play professionally for India?
Field Hockey
What did Big Raj call one of Rich/ Neha's friends who came for the wedding in India?
Where does Dolly Mami go around Nizamuddin and rarely ever come back in time?
Neha Didi left this appliance on and burnt a hole in the carpet?
What role did Joey play in the series Days of Our Lives?
Dr Drake Ramoray
What college did Neha graduate from?
Cal State Hayward
What is 17 + 25?
Name everyone in the pic below
Kabir, Anthony, Anushka, Renu, Arjun, Ritu, Mom
What family member used to bully/ haze Mom in college?
Meena Mehtha
What state have Neha and Richard frequented the most for vacation?
What flavor of ice cream did Rob and Susan order from Baskin Robbins everyday?
Espresso and Cream
When we visited Chandigargh, we met two ducks. What were there names?
Sita and Gita
Monica and Chandler became an item after spending the night together in which city?
What instrument did Dom play while growing up?
If you freeze water you get what?
Name the three people pictured below:
Nakul, Ritu, Parikshit
Papa got his MBA with one of Nakul’s good friends dad. Who was that friend?
What county do Neha and Rich currently live in?
Alameda County
Name a famous actor that Dadi Ma starred alongside?
Amitabh Bachan or Abhishek Bachan
Who was Ritu's tennis coach at Las Lomas?
Cindy Segali
What was the name of Ross's pet monkey?
What is Dom's first bachelor degree in?
What animal gives us milk to drink?
What day was this picture taken on?
May 2, 2015
What was the name of Mom’s dad?
Kundan Lal
How many special anniversary celebrations are happening in 2019? Name them all:
Ritu and Dom: 5th Wedding
Neha and Rich: 10th Wedding
Mom and Papa: 40th Wedding
Name the school Papa attended and the sport he competed in?
Modern School
What movie did everyone go see in Delhi without Nakul because he wasn't old enough?
The nickname Red Ross came out while playing which sport?
What nickname does Nakul Mamu call Arya by?
Pinky Chau
Where does the President of the US live?
The White House
What school did the man below go to?
Modern School
What is Dolly Mami’s real name?
Aruna Suri
What vegetarian item does Aruna not eat?
What was the name of the family favorite Indian restaurant near Niz where we ordered Chinese food from?
Kit Kat
What messaging program did Neha didi use all the time after moving from India?
Name Phoebe's most famous song about a certain animal. Bonus points if you can sing the song
Smelly cat
What apartment building did Aruna and Nakul both live in after Cornell?
How many months are in a year?
Which famous chef is pictured below?
When we go to everyone’s favorite fabric store in Janpath, what do we all order to drink?
Cold coffee
What company were Rich and Neha working at when they met?
When we go to India, where do we purchase our latest CD's from in Janpath?
What is Neha and Richards neighbors name who lives directly across the street?
What is the name of the neighbor who lives below Monica and Rachel and is often heard banging his broomstick on the ceiling?
Mr Heckles
What type of bread is Papa's favorite?
How many colors are there in the rainbow?
Which famous person is pictured here (besides Nakul)
Condaleeza Rice
What day was Jaiden born?
November 1, 2018
What venue did Mom and Papa get married at?
What suitcase brand is the Paul family staple?
Which band was the first live concert Ritu went to?
What song do Ross, Joey and Chandler sing so that Marcel (Ross's monkey) can recognize them? Bonus points if you sing the song
In the Jungle, The Mighty Jungle
Which comedian is famous for saying the following?
Somebody going to get a hurt real bad
Name the animal below:
At which restaurant downtown was this picture taken?
Name Ritu's starbucks order
no idea - Ritu to confirm