How did Hiccup lose his leg?
What is the Red Death?
Who said: “This is Berk.”?
Who is Hiccup Haddock?
Who is the main protagonist of the Harry Potter series?
Who is Harry Potter?
What type of animal is Rosie?
What is a cat?
What type of frosting is generally used for Strawberry Shortcake?
What is none, as it’s generally made with whipped cream?
Which language does Tuffnutt usually randomly speak in?
What is Spanish?
Who said: “But you know, happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times! If one only remembers to turn on the light..”?
Who is Dumbledore?
Who was the Potions professor in Harry’s sixth year of Hogwarts?
Who is Horace Slughorn?
What type of villager is Goldie?
What is normal?
What Canadian fried pastry shares part of its name with a body part of the national animal of Canada?
What is a beaver tail?
What were people going to call Stoick before his title became Stoick the Vast?
What is Stoick the Vintictive?
Who said: “WES, I WANT TEA!!!!”
Who is Jason Manzukas?
Which spell does Hermione use to free Sirius from his tower prison cell?
What is bombarda?
What is the name of the only unicorn villager in the franchise?
Who is Julian?
Where were cannolis invented?
What is Italy?
What type of dragon is Grump?
What is a Hotburple
Who said: “Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile!”?
Who is Hiccup?
What is Remus Lupin’s greatest fear, and why?
What is the moon? Reason: What is because he’s a werewolf?
What type of animal is Biskit?
What is a dog?
Too much of which spice in pumpkin spice and carrot cake can kill you?
What is nutmeg?
Which dragon caused the riders to come up with the Tracker Class?
What is a Rumblehorn?
Who said: “No bad hamburger, thank you!”?
Who is Jaques Torres?
What is Dumbledore’s full name?
What is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore?
What type of animal is Gracie, the owner of Gracie Grace?
What is a giraffe?
Genoise is a type of what?
What is a sponge cake?