The number of Harry Potter books.
What is 7 or 8 (bonus points for 8)
This was the century bombs were created
What is the 11th centuary
The capital of Ukraine.
What is Kyiv
This famous renaissance artist was also an inventor who was known for writing backwards.
Who was Leonardo DaVinchi?
This bird is from Africa and is known to make a annoying noise.
What is Guinea fowl
The author of the Wings of Fire series was a champion on Jeopardy for this many days. (Even number.)
What is two days?
This lady was the most successful pirate ever.
Who is Ching Shih
This is the capital of Spain?
What is Madrid
This is the most common used color in art
What is blue
this word means something that is annoying to some people but not others
What is Pet Peve
This year Harry Potter was made?
What was 1997
During World War II, a (dog breed) named Juliana was awarded the Blue Cross Medal.
What is a Great dane
This is the newest National park in the US
What is New river gorge NP
The painter of "The Creation of Adam".
Who is Michelangelo
This thing is what Arlo does on his ipod to annoy his sister
What is Bongo Cat
What was the first comic Stan Lee made?
what is Captain america foils the traiters revenge
This is the year witch Lucy the Australopithecus afarensis was discovered?
What is 1974
These states of Mexico are in the Sonoran desert. Name 1.
What is Baja California or Sanora
Salvador dali thought he was a reincarnation of this family member?
What is his brother
This sound is known as 'Whizpopping', according to a giant in a Roald Dahl book.
What is farting?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What was the First book?
What is the The Epic of Gilgamesh
Cleopatra was actually not Egyptian, she was actually this.
What is Greek
This is the capital of Canada
What is Ottawa
This was the source of the original purple dye.
What is the Murex snail
This is #1 on the list of most annoying things. (Hint: it has to do with phones).
What is using your phone while talking to people