God promised to lead the Israelites to a land flowing with what?
Milk & honey
Which of the following is not a reptile: crocodile, turtle, salamander, or chameleon?
What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
What sport involves the terms “jab” and “hook”?
What is the capital of the state of Connecticut?
Which of these is not a fruit of the Spirit: Patience, self-control, generosity, goodness.
Who was the third president of the United States?
Thomas Jefferson
Which of these is not a cooking method: roasting, braising, blanching, simmering, scouring, boiling?
What Oscar-winning film was based on the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw?
My Fair Lady
Which of the following is not below the equator: Argentina, Thailand, New Zealand, Zimbabwe?
What King reluctantly threw Daniel into the lion’s den?
King Darius
How many pints are in a gallon?
At what temperature does water boil In Fahrenheit?
212 Degrees
What is Luke Skywalker’s home planet?
What is the only continent that doesn’t have a desert?
Name 5 of the ten plagues of Egypt.
Blood. Frogs. Gnats. Flies. Livestock. Boils. Hail. Locusts. Darkness. Death of the Firstborn.
More commonly called a thundercloud, what is the only cloud that can produce hail, thunder and lightening?
A watermelon is actually a: berry, squash, or vegetable.
In the novel Pride and Prejudice, what is the name of Mr. Darcy’s best friend who is leasing Netherfield?
Charles Bingley/Mr. Bingley
What country has the most natural lakes?
What was Nehemiah’s occupation in the palace of King Artaxexes I?
What is the Pythagorean theorem?
a squared plus b squared equals c squared
What vegetables go into a standard Mirepoix?
Carrot, celery, and onion.
What type of Pokemon is Jolteon?
In what state is Mesa Verde National Park located?