Kiara Smith's Birthday is
When is February 14th (Valentine's Day)
This show has become a family favorite hosted by Kirk Franklin
What is Sunday's Best
Where is Kiara Smith's college located? (city and state)
Where is Gainesville FL
What year did Renee and Marcus get married?
What is 2020
This team won the NBA championship after the bubble restart?
Who are the Los Angeles Lakers
Deborah Smith's Birthday is
When is December 20th
Renee watched all 6 seasons in two weeks over the summer? With the fan favorite "Wes" staring
What is How to get away with Murder
What is Keith Smith's favorite color?
What is Gray
What year did Kelvin Smith graduate from college?
What is 2016
Randy Moss won Rookie of the year playing for this team
Who are the Minnesota Vikings
Asya got engaged on her birthday. That day is
When is July 19th
At the engagement party Kiara played this song almost ruining the surprise
What is Best Part by Daniel Caesar
Renee's favorite food is .....
What are Omelettes
In what year was Peyton Baker born?
What is 2015
This athlete recently crossed over to boxing and it did not end well
Who is Nate Robinson
Linda Gail's birthday is
When is May 19th
The black woman that starred in Netflix's Hit movies "Lovebirds" is
Who is Issa Rae
Uncle _____ owned a restaurant in close to where his family vacationed yearly
Who is Uncle Robin
In what year was Deborah Smith born?
What is 1964
This basketball player won MVP of the bubble and also is a skillful rapper
Who is Damian Lillard
The Holiday is closest to Keith Jr's Birthday
What is Memorial Day
This 2020 hit song was titled after your ordinary house hold cleaning product
What is "The Mop"
This family member had the best year of their life in 2020
Who is Kinsley Daniels
In what year did the family move to the 7502 Val Lane House?
What is 1996
The #1 ranked pound for pound boxer in the world is
Who is Terrace Crawford