The event Mom was supposed to go on lasting Mon-Thurs. but canceled due to the bad weather
What is a retreat?
Dad's brother & nieces and nephews
Who are Uncle Josh, Adair, Calla, and Xander?
Audrey's favorite pastime
What is legos?
How old Kristin is turning this year
The parent that taught Maddy to read
Who is Dad?
The names of all 12 of the Le children - TIME
Who are Aunts Kathy, Vanessa, Heather, Christie, Mai, Lisa and Uncles Brandon, Dien, Philip, Joe, Long, Viet?
Dad's favorite author on the New York Times
Who is Ross Douthat?
The type of dance Audrey is doing
What is Bollywood?
The game Kristin lost only once at that the family played last year
What is Rummikub?
The parent(s?)/siblings who potty-trained Julia
Who is Dad?
What is the name of the high school Mom went to that combined both years of high school and college?
Ammachi's first name (the one on her Visa)
What is Valsamma?
The new hobby Audrey will be doing with Mom (and Kristin); involves a lot of space
What are puzzles?
All 3 of Kristin's piano teachers
Who are Ms. Carolyn Gaudet, Ms. Su Kim, and Mrs. Moody?
Maddy's current lead teacher
Who is Mrs. McFadden?
The New York Times Podcast that Mom (and occasionally Dad) listens to
What is The Argument?
Dad's favorite movie director
Who is Christopher Nolan?
The spelling game Audrey plays with her class every Thursday
What is Sparkle?
The names of 3 of Kristin's current teachers
Who are Mr. Malpiedi, Mr. Esparza, Mr. Binder, Ms. Foy, Ms. Brandow, Ms. Davidson, (Coach Bascom) ?
Maddy and Julia's birthday - TIME
What is October 10th 2017, August 28th 2015?
Mom's Vietnamese maiden name
What is Hang Tang Le?
The 3 classes Dad teaches which Forms he teaches them to
What is History=1st Form, History=3rd Form, Political Theory Seminar=8th Form (12th grade)?
Audrey's favorite TV show, currently
What is Camp Cretaceous?
The name of the story Kristin published with Winnie last spring
What is The Sorceress?
The names of 2 of Maddy's classmates and 2 of Julia's classmates
Maddy: Who are... Kohen, Catherine J. Catherine B. Juliana etc.
Julia: Who are...Tommy Max, Cecilia (Cici), Pimy (Petra) etc.