How many Walmart are in Pittsfield
How many states are in the united states.
If August lives in a family of 4 kids, January, February, March. What is the last ones name.
One guess
What will happen if you hold your breath for too long.
You will faint.
why can you not hold your breath under water for 30 minutes straight.
you will run out of breath.
What is the drinking age of Pittsfield.
what are the bordering country's on the united states.
Mexico and Canada.
If you are running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in now?(One guess.)
What is the perimeter of a square yard with 5 feet sides.
20 feet
One answer
Name two states that borders the state Pittsfield belongs in.
Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York.
Name 2 states that start with A.
Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Alabama.
What has to be broken before it is used.
An egg.
how many wholes are in a pair of pants with no pockets
3 holes
What comes first in doing math. Multiplication, Addition, subtraction.
One guess.
How many colleges are in Pittsfield. Full name gets an extra 100 points.
Berkshire community college
What is the biggest state.
what month of the year has 28 days in it.
All of them.
What is the first holiday of the year besides new years.
Martin Luther king day.
What is the most needed thing for the human being.
what year was Pittsfield founded. closes within 40 years.
What is the smallest state in the United states.
Rhode Island
On a Sunday night a girl was killed. The mother said she was getting mail. The father said he was eating dinner and the friend said she was playing with dolls.
Who is the killer.
One guess.
The mother. No mail on Sundays.
Who was the 45th president.
One guess
Why do we have daytime then switch to night time.
The earth is spinning.