This 17 year old female singer/songwriter recently released an album titled "SOUR"
Who is Olivia Rodrigo
This canceled Arkansas bill would prevent people under 18 to have transgender surgery/drugs or HB 1570 is better know by what name
What is the protect teens from transgender experimentation act
This baby is pictured having sand in hand and a frown is know by what
What is wonder child
This popcorn brand shares it's name with G.I. Jane
What is O'neil popcorn
This term is used to encourage people to try new things
what is don't knock it til' you tried it.
This song called "17" rhymes keen with seventeen is by whom
Who is MK
This talk show started by a youtuber was canceled in season two due to bad reviews saying it wasn't funny
What is a little late with Lilly Singh
This little girl is pictured next to a burning building while smiling is more commonly known as
What is disaster child
This skit pictured a man mimicking the main character in the fast and furious movies talked about the movies in what show
What is SNL
This saying by Bill Gates engorges working in a smart way
what is work smarter, not harder
17 is the sum of the first four what
What are prime numbers
This author was canceled because of an anti-trans twitter posts
Who is JK Rowling
This girl's meme pictures her staring into a camera now used to symbolize a clingy girlfriend is better know by what
What is the where are you girlfriend
For people who don't like the movie theater this old fashion way of seeing a new movie
what is the drive-ins
This is among the biggest clichés, supporting healthy eating
What is put good stuff in your body and your body will treat you good