What Was the Frog’s original name that Debuted Memes: “Was made in 2005”
Who is Pepe The Frog?
Name the longest running American Show with 32 seasons to date, and still running on:
Who are “The simpsons”?
Name the show Debuted On Cartoon Network In 1998 Revolving Around Multiple Same gender kids:
Who are “The Powerpuff Girls”?
What Cartoon Has Their own Anime Spinoff On YouTube, created By Narmak Animation?
What is Spongebob?
The effective Currency used In Roblox to buy stuff:
What is “Robux”?
Name of the Original Fortnite meme song created by Leviathan:
What is “Chug Jug With you”?
What’s the Phrase Used as a current Meme trend when asking about the status on someone’s pet:
“What da dog doin’”?
Name The show that Had 129 minutes (222 segments) from 2007-2015 based around…2 brothers
Who are “Phineas & Ferb”?
The definition For Smol beans that look young but act more mature:
What is a “Loli”?
Name the Stanford University Graduate the co-created Roblox:
Who is “David Baszucki”?
Name of the vegetable used in a trending Meme that people used since it’s debut in a(n) adult swim episode:
Who is “Pickle Rick”?
Name the Disney/Pixar character with the biggest dump truck of a booty:
Who is “Mrs.Incredible”?
What is the main opening For the #1 Cartoon people Know the theme song to Involving a Group of Kids and a pet?
“what’s new scooby Doo”?
Single word; Terminology for someone Being perverted towards another, and is the title for subjects to different shows involving “special“ activities
What is “Hentai”?
Name the creating company that Made Gacha Club:
Who is Lunime?
Name the Phrase Used with a Certain Ventriloquist tool that’s green and an Amphibian as a dank meme:
What is “I’m going to KERMIT suicide”?
Who is Will Smith?
Name the show debuted in 1987 That now has a Hit Reboot on Disney XD:
What is DuckTales?
Longest running anime Series: (7,701 episodes and still being made right now)
What is Sazae-San?
How many Achievements can you achieve In Sims 4, including all 24 Hidden achievements?
Name the type of currency Used In the World of Meme with a symbol of a(n) animal:
What is “Doge Coin”?
What Did Ninjamuffin99 Create in 2020 that is still soaring as an amazing game into 2021:
What is Friday Night Funkin’?
Who are “Tom and Jerry”?
What is the most popular Anime Theme song of all time?
(naming the anime gives you an extra 200 points)
What is “A cruel Angel’s Thesis“?
Name the best selling Videogame of All Time with over 200,000,000 Copies sold to this day:
What is Minecraft?