The full form of "spring" and "fall" are "spring of the _____" and "fall __ ____ _____".
What are "spring of the leaf" and "fall of the leaf".
Glass is a _______________________
What is a liquid
The line that follows the points in a scatter graph best.
What is the "line of best fit"
The four clefs in music
Hint: Think "singers" (soprano, _____, ______, bass)
What are treble, bass, tenor, and alto
The CHCI colours (two).
What are green and gold
The battle of Waterloo involved this famous historical figure.
Who was Napoleon
Diamonds have the ability to _________ light.
Hint: Slow down, speed up, get rid of, create.
What is "slow down"
The strongest 2D regular shape.
Hint: Not triangle, but made of many triangles.
What is the hexagon
~ 400 points ~
The note that flutes tune to.
What is "A"
The CHCI slogan is: "We are the ______ ______!"
What are the Golden Gaels
Thanksgiving started in 16_ _.
What is 1621
The material in trees that paper is made of.
Hint: Think "cells" (nucleus, cytoplasm, membrane, etc.)
What is cellulose (the cell wall)
~ 600 points ~
The 5 basic types of correlations.
Hint: W+, W-, S+, S-, N/A
What are "weak positive", "weak negative", "strong positive", "strong negative", and "no correlation".
Finish the lyrics:
I'm coming home,
I'm coming home.
_____ ___ _____ __ _____ _____.
Let the rain,
Wash away
___ __ ____ __ ________.
What is
"Tell the world I'm coming home.
(Let the rain wash away)
all the pain of yesterday"
CHCI has recently celebrated ______ years.
What is 50
~ 800 points ~
How many "King Henry of England"s were there?
What is 8
The smallest thing in the world
Hint: Not atoms nor molecules
Another hint: Starts with a "Q"
What are quarks
The only shape of paper that can double and half itself without changing the ratio of height to width
Hint: A__
Another hint: The blank is a number
What is A4
There is ______'s eye view (looking down from the sky) and _____'s eye view (looking up from the ground)
Hint: One eats the other.
What are bird's and worm's
The CHCI mascot (name).
Hint: He's Scottish.
Who is Scotty
This famous Egyptian queen was in love with this famous Roman figure.
Hint: For the Roman figure, think salad
Who were Cleopatra and Julius Caesar
The number of needles a mosquito has.
Hint: More than 3
What is 6
The 5 basic types of line graphs.
Hint: Li, Ex, Lo, Qu, Cu
What are linear, exponential, logarithmic, quadratic and cubic.
Name all of the instruments tuned to Bb (called Bb instruments)
Hint: There are 5
Another hint: Cla_____ and ba__ clar____, tr_____, tenor s_______ and bari______,
What are Clarinets (and bass clarinets), trumpets, tenor saxophones and baritones
Precisely estimate the number of students that go to CHCI.
Hint: Guess a number like "about 4200" and not "exactly 4218" nor "roughly 4000")
What is 1700