What everyone said they would do if someone robbed their house.
What is calling the polic?
Double Jeopardy
The best thing about getting older.
What is you get more wisdo?
Which 6th grade event did Ryan enjoy and look forward to most?
A. Project Adventure.
B. Graduation
C. Yearbook signing.
D. Award Ceremony.
What is Yearbook signing?
Nana’s favorite chess piece.
What is the knight.
Eileen’s favorite cat?
Who is Zoey?
The time that most people wake up.
What is 8:00 am?
If Blank was in the White House blank would leave.
Who is Daddy?
Ryan’s part in Frozen.
Who is Kristoff
Grandma’s favorite color.
What is Red?
Double Jeopardy!
The black belt degree that Daddy got in 2019.
What is 4th degree?
The best thing about COVID.
What is Nothing?
Grandma’s favorite show.
What is Rachel Maddow?
The thing that Sharon did not see at Abe Lincoln’s son’s estate.
A. His Black and grey suit.
B. His dressing room.
C. His Bible.
D. His mirror.
What is his Black and grey suit.
Double Jeopardy
The board that has lots of photos that Ryan made’s name.
What is All About Me?
Tod is
A. A Public Speaker
B. A CEO of a small company in Ireland.
C. A volunteer firefighter
D. A Ninja
What is B?
Double Jeopardy
The two item that people would bring with them if they were stranded on a deserted island.
Cell phone/a boat
The least popular singular number.
What is 2?
The flavor that was not a part of Ryan’s chocolate sale.
A. Milk Chocolate
B. Dark Chocolate
C. Wafer Chocolate
D. Chocolate gluten free
What is D
The Mitzvah that Ryan dId yesterday.
What is sending a kind letter to aunt Diane?
Bernie’s improve instructor.
Who is Lisa.
The biggest thing that Gail has learned over the past year.
What is Colonoscopy prep?
The 1 digit number that is in most people’s lucky number.
What is 1?
Double Jeopardy
The person who is moving?
Who is Jeffery?
What Ryan say before he got a snack.
What is “Are you ready to play Jeopardy”?
At Michaela’s Bat Mitzvah, the logo was blank.
Where in the World is Michaela?