This is the colour of Max's house league hockey jersey
how many years has sabrina worked at holts (within one year)
This was the name of Joel's podcast before Great Canadian Training
TFR: This feels right
what is the one class that Eli failed
Civics and Careers
Monicas job before holts
food basics
What is max's semester 1 schedule, in order
Math History English Science
what was Sabrina's first job
Working at the golf course
How many continents has Joel been to
what was eli's most listened to artist
Monica's favourite brand at holts is...
This was the name of Max's shortlived Brooklyn 99 instagram account
Bingpot 99
what class do sabrina and michelle do together at the ymca
When Joel turned 50, he ran what race in what place.
A half marathon in Arizona
Name 3 women that Eli has had a romantic relationship with (Monica counts)
What is monica's favourite reality show
These are the names of 5 people that I am friends with at Monarch.
My choice
What sport(s) did sabrina play as a child
softball/figure skating
Joel was accepted into what second choice program at Concordia
what was the name of Eli's grade 8 Homeroom teacher
Ms. Baker
what did monica dress up as for halloween
Max loves his sitcoms, how many sitcoms has he watched more than once
B99, parks and rec, the office, community, fresh prince of bel air, superstore, friends, how i met your mother, modern family = 9
Sabrina and Heather have been friends since this grade
What is 5th grade
Joel says that this is his favourite song of all time
Suspicious minds/sweet child o' mine
In 2020, Eli and Henry started an instagram account that posted memes about what?
What is a youtube account
Who is Monica's best friend