The place Uncle Dan and Uncle Chris painted in Yonkers.
What is Great Grandpa (Bill Rinaldi's) apartment?
The location where Siobhan crop-dusted a crowd of people.
Where is Disneyland?
What is Frosty?
What was Catrina's husband's nickname?
What is "Knuckle-Tis"?
Translate this phrase into UDE (Uncle Dan English)
"That's sufficient"
"Good enough"
At what job did Dan last only one day?
What is a dishwasher?
This is what Garrett said when accusing someone of being dishonest.
What is, "LYING!"
Finish the sentence:
"Don't rush me..."
"I have two weeks"
Which grandchild was rejected by a modeling agency?
Who is Áine?
Translate this phrase into IAE (Italian-American English)
"Who used my bathroom?"
"Who took a pee-pee cocky in my bathroom?"
What non-camping related item was strung from a tree by Aunt Nici?
What are hot rollers?
This is the festival at which a grandchild had an explosive diaper.
What is Apple Fest?
What's the descriptive term to describe two people in the family saying goodbye?
What is "weeping mothers"?
What did Lucas call the city by the bay?
What is "Franso-Sisco"?
Translate this phrase into IAE (Italian-American English)
"Donna got tan!"
"Donna got real good color"
The reply the clerk gave to concerns regarding underaged drinking in the Bahamas.
What is, "close enough!"
These dogs assisted with the potty training process.
Who are Samson and Angus?
What made-up holiday inspires large quantities of food consumption?
What is Bacchanalian Feast/Festival?
The piercings Aine and Gianna got together in Chapel Hill.
What is conch and second lobe?
Translate this phrase into IAE (Italian-American English)
"That's awesome!"
"That's phenomenal"
This is the location where the Simoes family broke down in the desert.
Where is New Mexico?
This person was falsely accused of "cutting the cheese".
Who is Nana (Kathy)?
Catrina was a guest at Siobhan's ESL class for what reason?
Lucas damaged this organ at Sienna Ranch.
What is his spleen? (shpleem)
This is "the good mozzarella".
What is the wet kind?