what movie has the quote long line the king?
the lion king
Pete and repeat were in a boat Pete falls out who's left?
haha first person to buzz wins how many times did I repeat it
who's nickname was tablet
more than 60 percent of the earth is
what movie has the quote "I'm not throwing away my shot"?
is infinity a theory made by math nerds?
yes it can not be proven real
who's nickname was _____jojo
Jhon has 100 one inch candles he lights all of them at the same time how long does it take for the candle to burn out?
1 hour yes I used google
what movie has the quote "no I am your father"?
star wars
can you be too old to trick or treat
no it is fun and you get free candy
who's nickname was iphone?
Grandma or Mom
who would win in a race George Washington or Breylon?
Breylon George Washington is dead
what movie has the quote "say hello to my little friend"?
can you beat a baby polar bear in a fight?
yes unless the mother comes or you are Cerena
who's nickname was hair____?
Tommy got hit with a bat did he survive?
yes it was a plastic bat
what movie has the quote "Avengers Assemble"?
Avengers endgame
is water wet?
who's nickname was Grinch?
the human body can survive without?
everything it will always survive for at least 1 millisecond