The city of gambling
What is Las Vegas
An event that happened in 1867
What is the Confederation
He joins a spy agency and is the best at going backwards
Who is Mater
7 x 8
what is 52
What you are playing right now, and the time that people say it is when it dark
What is Jeopardy night
The Breadbasket of the world
What is Saskatchewan
He founded the show Jeopardy
Who is Alex Trebek
A princess who takes her father's place in going to war
Who is Mulan
-48 divided by 3
what is -16
What you put dirty clothes in, with a sphere you play with
What is a basketball
The city of love
What is Paris
This event slowed down the entire world
What is the COVID 19 Pandemic
He never runs out of energy and is always bouncing around but he won't eat honey
who is tigger
a shape with 5 sides
What is a Pentagon
What we breathe in, a flying vehicle
What is an airplane
The capitol of the world
What is New York
The famous ruler of Rome around 60bc
Who is Julius Caesar
He is the reason for an alien invasion in Hawaii
Who is Stitch
3/4 x 5/12
What is 5/16
It is bread before its baked, then a piece of metal that fastens with a bolt
What is a doughnut
This city is known as the smallest country in the world
What is Vatican City
The thing the southern Americans wanted to keep in the civil war
What is slavery
Woody’s horse
Who is bullseye
4 x 6 + 28 divided by 4
What is 31
What ancient Rome used to be, with an American territory, and one giant structure with a roof
What is the Empire State Building