The name of the rarest sheep me and Lily have on our island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Who is Dom?
My favorite book series.
What is Wings of Fire?
The smallest state in the US.
What is Rhode Island?
60 x 9 = ?
What is the number 540?
The scientific term for the fear of spiders.
What is arachnophobia?
The name of the next Minecraft update coming out in the summer.
The longest Harry Potter book.
What is Harry Potter book 5?
The largest country in the world.
What is Russia?
The name of the new Among Us map coming out on Wednesday.
What is the Airship?
82 x 5 = ?
The most popular color in 2020.
What is the color green?
The largest state in the US.
What is Alaska?
Alabama's state flower.
What is a camellia?
Length of Wings of Fire book 3.
What is the number 296?