Board Games
TV Shows
Video Games
Athletic Activities
Family Dinner
A board game that uses fake money to buy and sell properties. Uses pieces that represent each player on the board such as a top hat, a dog, and a battleship.
What is Monopoly?
It is a show that has a group of 5 friends. The friends go on adventures and solve mysteries together.
What is Scooby Doo?
A Classic video game where the player is a yellow circle that "eats" pellets and tries to stay away from ghosts.
What is Pac-Man?
A game that involves bouncing a ball and shooting it through a basket ten feet in the air.
What is Basketball?
An italian casserole filled with long noodles and layered with tomato sauce and cheese. Sometimes includes meat layers.
What is Lasagna?
A board game that has different colored pieces that represent each player. The aim of the game is to figure out who was murdered, the murder weapon and where they were murdered.
What is Clue?
A TV Show from the 70's where a Blended Family is featured. A mother and her daughters is combined with a father and his sons along with their housekeeper.
What is The Brady Bunch?
A game where you are an Italian "plumber" with a goal to save a princess who was kidnapped by a turtle.
What is Super Mario Bros?
A game involving throwing a small ball and trying to hit it with a stick.
What is baseball?
Everyone has their favorite slice, this italian dish features bread as a base topped with cheese and other delights.
What is Pizza?
A board game that has a series of questions that relate to different topics, such as, music, history, current events, politics and sports.
What is Trivial Pursuit?
This show features a whistling theme song and is broadcast in black and white. This also features law enforcement officers.
What is the Andy Griffith Show?
A sport for the leisurely, this slower paced game of angles, strength and aim is based on hitting a small ball into a hole in the ground.
What is Golf?
A treat after dinner reserved for those who eat all their vegetables.
What is dessert?
A board game where the aim is to take over the world or complete a mission. The army that you are using is represented by a color such as, green, blue, red, or black.
What is Risk?
A TV show where contestants compete to be named the top amateur singer in America. Some winners have gone on to have successful music careers.
What is American Idol?
A game where your goal is to destroy as many asteroids as possible while trying to avoid being hit.
What is Asteroid?
A game played by hitting a ball back and forth over a net with the goal of having it hit your oppenents court in bounds.
What is Volleyball?
This all-american southern dish is loved by children and adults alike. Usually made with elbow noodles and oodles of cheese.
What is Mac and Cheese?
Life is a board game that is based around life. You get a career, have a family, and get money as you head around the board.
What is Life?
A detective show featuring a man with Obsessive Complusive Disorder who works as a detective in the San Franciso Police Department.
What is Monk?
A game based in a world built of blocks and your character has no clear goals. In the game, you travel the world finding different blocks and fighting mobs.
What is Minecraft?
Superbowl, nuff said.
What is Football?
A patty made of ground meat served on a bun with toppings of your choice.
What is a hamburger?