Court Cases
Property Rights
This Supreme Court case upheld the anti-bigamy law. a. New York Times v. Sullivan b. Olmstead v. United States c. Reynolds v. United States d. Texas v. Johnson
What is C. Reynolds v. United States
Which of the following is not required with a marriage license? a. being sworn in b. identification c. marriage certificate d. money
What is a. being sworn in
A court order declaring that a marriage never existed on record is called a(n)… a. annulment b. dissolution c. divorce d. termination
What is a. annulment
Any property owned by either spouse before the marriage remains the property of that person throughout the marriage. a. equitable distribution b. marital property c. separate property d. sharing property
What is c. separate property
Which of the following statements is true about child abuse and neglect? a. abuse is worse than neglect b. it is CPS protocol to take the children away on the first visit c. neglect occurs more than abuse d. some abuse or neglect is okay
What is c. neglect occurs more than abuse
Federal law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman and declaring that states do not have to recognize relationships between same-sex couples is called the… a. Blessed Union Act b. Defense of Marriage Act c. Holy Union Act d. Sanctity of Marriage Act
What is b. Defense of Marriage Act
Why is a waiting period required following a marriage license? a. ensure the couple is serious about going through with marriage b. finalize all paperwork and process it at the government level c. make sure all the plans for the ceremony are ready in time d. time to draw-up prenuptial agreement before the ceremony
What is a. ensure the couple is serious about going through with marriage
A court order which ends a valid marriage is called… a. annulment b. dissolution c. divorce d. termination
What is c. divorce
Property acquired during a marriage. a. separate property b. sharing property c. asset property d. marital property
What is d. marital property
Being truant from school is a. a responsibility of the parent to make sure their child goes to school b. a crime and could lead to fines and arrests c. missing school without justification d. all of the above
What is d. all of the above
Which of the following is not required during a marriage ceremony? a. clergyman b. marriage certificate c. pre-marriage counseling d. witness
What is c. pre-marriage counseling
Property acquired during marriage belongs to each spouse equally and must be divided equally. a. separate property b. sharing property c. asset property d. community property
What is d. community property
Which of the following is not a reason a minor can become emancipated? a. when the child is married b. when the child joins the military c. when the child obtains a fulltime job d. when the child becomes an adult
What is c. when the child obtains a fulltime job
Bigamy means… a. having a long, drawn out divorce b. having more than one spouse at a time c. having a sexual relationship with a minor d. having a sexual relationship with a relative
What is b. having more than one spouse at a time
When married couples separate they… a. are in the process of getting a divorce, but have not signed the papers b. are still legally married, just may not be together c. have to go through court proceedings like divorce d. have consulted a lawyer regarding divorce
What is b. are still legally married, just may not be together
Dividing separate property at the end of a marriage. a. equitable distribution b. marital property c. separate property d. sharing property
What is a. equitable distribution
Which of the following is not a characteristic of joint custody? a. both parents have full responsibility of the child b. child may request joint custody from the judge c. court cannot impose joint custody on an unwilling parent d. must be granted by courts
What is c. court cannot impose joint custody on an unwilling parent
Lying to a spouse about an important matter is called… a. deception b. fraud c. negligence d. scam
What is b. fraud
Which of the following is not an argument for lack of consent to marry a person? a. “George and my family forced me against my will!” b. “I was too drunk to understand that a wedding was taking place.” c. “I am legally insane and do not have the capacity to understand my decision.” d. “George told me he wanted children, but then changed his mind once we were married.”
What is d. “George told me he wanted children, but then changed his mind once we were married.”
Palimony is paid between… a. cohabitating couples b. parents who are were never married c. parents who are separated d. older, veteran couples
What is a. cohabitating couples
Which of the following is not considered a means of support by a parent to a minor? a. clothing b. college education c. medical care d. shelter
What is b. college education