Your friend wants to go to the movies. They ask you if you want to go. What do you say?
Yes, if you want to go, or No thank you if don’t
Your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to hold your hand. You think that‘s okay. Can you hold hands?
A stranger asks you for your phone number what do you say?
”NO” and then you tell a trusted adult right away
You want to go to a concert but you need some money. Your Dad is around. What can you ask him?
Dad, can I have some money for the concert?
Name that friend
Grace F.
Can Friends put their hands on other friends shoulders?
No. Friends need to stay 1 arms length apart and and not put their hands on each other
Your boyfriend or girlfriend puts their arm around your shoulder. You are surprised and uncomfortable. What do you do?
Ask them to stop. Say, “no, thank you.”
A stranger asks you if you want some candy. What do you say?
You are upset and tired. Your mom walks in to the house. How can she help you out?
You can talk to her about your feelings, she can give you a hug, she can help you to not be upset
Name that person
You become upset with your friend. You start to argue and raise your voice. In the argument you put your hand on your friend’s shoulder. Is that okay?
No, with friends, you should keep your hands to yourself. You should try to work out your problems in a calm and respectful way.
Your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to take you ice skating. How do you get ready for the date?
Get read by showering and getting dressed. Make sure you have enough money for the date. Make sure you have a coat. Make sure you have skates.
You are talking to a clerk at Woodland’s market. They ask you for your address and personal information. (Name address phone number). What should you do?
Tell them, “NO” and go and tell a trusted adult.
Your dad won’t let you go to the ice cream social. You become frustrated and yell. Your dad tells you to go to your room? What should you do?
You should try hard to listen to your dad. You should calm down by going to your room or finding a quiet place to rest.
Name that student
Your friend and you are talking. Your friend is talking really soft. You can’t hear them? What should you do?
You can ask your friend to talk louder. They should use
Your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to rest their head on your shoulder. They ask, “can I put my head on your shoulder.” You say, “yes”. Is it okay for them to do that?
yes, boyfriends and girlfriends can sometimes touch if everyone says its okay.
A stranger walks by. These look at you, stop and say, ”hi, how are you.”
You can say, “good” and then you can keep walking and going about your day
My mom says, “can you talk with me for a bit?”. What should you do?
You can say “yes”. You can talk with your family about yourself.
Are Stephanie, Ruth, Tim, Anna, RaJean and Karen friends, family, or strangers?
They are friends. You can trust them to help you
My caregiver wants to look in my wallet to check my money. Is that okay?
If you give permission, yes, it’s okay. Are caregivers our friends?
are care givers friends or strangers?
They are friends? They help us. They cannot touch us without permission
A person comes to the door. They knock and say, “can I use your kitchen?” What do you say?
”No”, strangers cannot come into our home
Your mom wants to clean your room. She opens your drawers and starts organizing your shirts. Is this okay?
Yes, our family can help us with our personal belongs. They should ask first