Who has had the worst bone break
What is Sloans foot
Who said " just don't be dumb"
Mom 😮
What Disney princess is tias favorite
Snow white
What is the name of the mascot for fireside
What did mom play in highschool
Basketball and volleyball cheerleader
Who drank ibuprofen Because it tasted good?
Who is Jasper
What movie phrase does mom say all the time
Your killing me smalls
Who coached mom at a basketball camp
Uncle dee
Who has gotten in a fight at school
How long did Jasper play soccer
2 years
What was the food Sloan choked on and needed to be given the hemlick maneuver
Who called us tonto when we were kids
What did nino do for work
Computer for a fracking company
Who was the art teacher before Ms sehernt
Ms Webster
What sport did Delaney do first
Who gave Sloan the hemlick maneuver
Who is dad
Who says the phrase don't poke the bear unless you want to be poked back
What was the name of nenas cat
What was Delaneys first play
Christmas carol
What is the current name of Jaspers base ball team
Swamp turtles
Why did Delaney have to wear an extra eye patch at night
Vision therapy
What was the name of Delaneys childhood doll
Crazy hair baby
Who was Dad's kindergarten teacher
How many times has Delaney failed math
5 times
Where did Delaney practice gymnastics
Rec center