This tournament is in two big conferences known as USAV and AAU. Dad lost in the finals in this tournament and Brennan (and maybe Cole) will be going.
Boys National Volleyball Championships
This is the "organizer" of the family according to the settings app (no cheating)
This dog was adopted in 2010.
This trip would take 8 hours to drive to this place.
The “Gettysburg Address” was delivered by this president.
Abraham Lincoln
This person said that she would play volleyball next year.
This channel would be deleted after sharing with a friend. It was know as Cole and Jackson. Who's Channel was it?
This one person would pull a fish tank over his head killing the two remaining fish in said tank. Who was it?
This was the most recent out of state road trip in the summer.
Presque Isle
Newton is famous for this law of motion.
The law of universal gravitation
This was the year that Brennan and Cole would play volleyball.
How many channels does Brennan currently have?
This person would want to send Murphy to a Chinese Restaurant.
This is the only finger lake that we have never been to.
This element has the highest atomic number that occurs naturally.
This 12u team is the only team that we played for that won a medal in the February Cleveland tournament.
TCP Academy 12Gold
This person has a YouTube channel known as Storm Surge who is currently recording a video as we speak.
How many months would it take to convince Mom to buy us fish?
4 Months
This trip would be stopped after travelling every year when Rhett was born.
Myrtle Beach
“To be or not to be” is a famous line from this Shakespeare play
Dad would play for this team in 18u after his coach replaced him with a high school kid.
Pace Bootlegger
This channel was the first Crahen channel for Brennan and Cole. What was the first ever name?
Who were the two people who would attend the place where Lexie was sadly put down?
Brennan & Evan
How many hours would it take for Brennan to reach Quebec?
11hrs and 57min
Originating from India, this is a popular spiced, creamy tomato sauce dish (I had to add this because Cole loves to say in an Indian Accent).
Butter Chicken