the place we eat on swim class days
What is volcano burgers
the color of a giraffe Toung
what is blue/purple
name of the hand in the Addams family
who is THING
Pumbaa in Disney’s The Lion King?
what is a warhog
was Macbeth a real person
what is yes
This healthy “grass” food is prepared from the freshly sprouted leaves of the grain Triticum aestivum.
what is wheatgrass
the worlds largest lizard
what is a Komodo dragon
the movie Jaws captain Quints boat name
what is the orca
(B) name is Disney's baby deer
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witch drink can be sweet dry or rough
what is cider
Sliced apples sautéed in butter are a classic filling for these French pancakes.
what is a crepe
term for group of geese
what is a gaggle
From which film does the saying ”Hasta la vista, baby” come?
What is terminator
Bruce in Disney's finding nemo
What is a great white shark
what is the color green
Tomato sauce is in Sloppy Joes with beef, & beef is with bacon in this beloved Wendy’s burger, introduced in 2007.
what is The Baconator
number of wings on a bee
what is 4
the name of bob Cratchits son in a Christmas carol
tiny Tim
witch regular Disney character appears in fantasia
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What is the name of Dr. Seuss’s egg-hatching elephant?
Who is horton
The Hass variety of this food traces its lineage back to a single tree planted by postman Rudolph Hass in the 1920s.
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the tallest dog breed in the world
what is an Irish wolfhound
Jill Oppenheimer changed her name to Jill St John to star as what fictional character in James Bond’s film Diamonds Are Forever?
Who is tiffany case in 1971
who are Daisys 3 nieces
who are April May and June
In what year was the first woman elected to the US Senate?
What is the year 1922