The year that Jesus Christ began his rule in heaven as King of God's Kingdom.
4320 bce
1914 ce
1919 ce
What is 1914?
Jacobs two wives:
_ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _
Who is Leah and Rachel
"I will say to Jehovah: "You are my ______ and my __________, My God in whom I trust."
Psalms 91:2
During this year, the house to house work on Sunday was first organized.
1915 ce
1919 ce
1927 ce
1931 ce
What is 1927?
“Keep on, then, seeking first the _______ and his _____________, and all these other things will be added to you."
(Matthew 6:33)
What is Kingdom;Righteousness
It was during this year that the "Pioneer Service School" was developed for the benefit of regular pioneers.
1963 ce
1969 ce
1976 ce
1977 ce
What is 1977?
Name 2 of Noah's sons:
_ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , and Japheth
Who is Shem and Ham
In this year the first 4 color Watchtower was printed.
What is 1979?
"On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, _____,______,______,______,____,_____."
(Galatians 5:22,23) 6 more
Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faith, Mildness, Self-control.