A latex sheath that is worn by a male to prevent against STDs and Pregnancy
Organs that produce and store eggs
The study of how traits are passed from parents to child through heredity is called
What is the difference between domestic and international adoption?
Domestic: When adoptive parents, birth parents, and the child live within the United States
International: When an individual or couple becomes the legal and permanent parent of a child from a different country
When male and female reproductive cells unite after sexual intercourse.
Small plastic or metal device inserted into the uterus. Prevents pregnancy by interfering with implantation of fertilized ovum
Tubes through which eggs pass on their way from an ovary to the uterus
Fallopian Tubes
A doctor inserts sperm directly into a woman's cervix, fallopian tubes or uterus
Artificial Insemination
A process by which an infant is adopted by another family, and the record of the biological parent is kept sealed
Closed Adoption
This process takes place about once per month, when a mature ovum is released by the ovary.
Capsule inserted beneath the skin in woman's upper arm. Prevents monthly release of ovum for up to 5 years
Organ in which an unborn baby develops
Process of fertilizing an egg with sperm, outside of the body
In-vitro Fertilization
Procedure in which the birth parents select the adoptive parents and place the child directly with them
Independent Adoption
This occurs when a fertilized ovum, attaches to the wall of the uterus.
System for tracking the woman's monthly cycle to determine when ovulation occurs
Fertility Awareness Method
The opening of the uterus
Assisted reproduction, where fertilized egg (embryo) are placed into the uterus of a female with the intent to establish a pregnancy
Ovum Transfer
The adoption of a child in foster care whose biological parents' rights have been terminated by the court
Foster Care Adoption
What is a male and a female reproductive cell called
Sperm and Ova/Ovum
Reduces the chance of pregnancy AFTER unprotected sexual intercourse
Emergency Contraception
The three stages a baby develops in the womb
When an ovary releases two separate eggs and each is fertilized by a different sperm cell, this results in FRATERNAL TWINS
When it is a single egg that separates it results in a IDENTICAL TWINS
Biological and adoptive families have access to varying degrees of each other's personal information and have an option of contact
Open Adoption
Sperm is stored in the