Emergency Contraception
Pregnancy Testing
Medication Abortion
Health Policy
how soon does Plan B have to be taken after unprotected intercourse?
within 72 hours
What is measured in a first trimester ultrasound for pregnancy dating purposes?
crown rump length
what part of the physical exam needs to be done prior to prescribing birth control?
blood pressure check
what is the standard practice for confirming a medical abortion was successful?
What is California's waiting period from the time a patient receives abortion counseling to the time of the medication or procedure?
No waiting period in CA.
what form of emergency contraception is available over the counter? what is its average cost in Fresno?
Plan B, $40-$50/pill
If a pregnancy is dated as gestational age 8 weeks, how many weeks ago was the sex that resulted in the 8 wk pregnancy?
10 weeks
for typical use as a contraceptive method, how often in a month does a patient change the Nuvaring (vaginal ring)?
remove every 3 weeks for a withdrawal bleed
why might a woman prefer a medication abortion compared to a procedural abortion?
- privacy in her own home - on her own time - potential to have more support - does not want invasive procedure/instruments - perceived as more natural, "like a miscarriage"
Can you prescribe antibiotics for the PARTNER of a patient who has tested positive for chlamydia?
What is the most effective form of emergency contraception?
the Copper IUD
By how many days or weeks may a second trimester ultrasound be inaccurate in dating a pregnancy?
+/- 7-10 days
When is the best time to start the patch, pill, ring or any form of birth control?
Per the CDC, ANYTIME the provider is reasonably certain that the patient is not pregnant.
up to how many gestational weeks can a patient be offered a medication abortion?
Up to 70 days (10 weeks)
Name two insurance providers who cover abortion services in California
most (MediCal, Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc) cover. Family PACT does not.
what is the mechanism of action for the Ella (ullipristal) EC?
- blocks progesterone from binding to its receptor - inhibits/delays ovulation
What is the expected rate of increase for serum bHCG in the first trimester?
Doubling time every 48-72 hours
What is the rate of amenorrhea after one year of use of the LNG-52 IUD?
80% of women will become amenorrheic after 1 year use of the LNG-52 Mirena IUD
what is the typical amount of time a woman will bleed after a medication abortion?
2 days heavy, average 9 days total bleeding. can be as long as 6 weeks total bleeding time.
If a patient is on FPACT/family pact/the "green" card, how many months of birth control can you prescribe or physically give them?
1 year / 13 cycles
What percent of teen girls have heard about EC? Who is contraindicated in taking Ella (Ullipristal)?
28% of teen girls in 2010 Ella contraindication - known or suspected pregnancy
At what hCG level will an early pregnancy test "ept" turn positive?
25 mIU hCG As early as 8 days after conception, typically 12-14 days after sex
After how many hours/days is a progestin-only pill considered a "missed dose"?
A dose is considered missed it has been > 3 hours since when the dose should have been taken. BONUS question-- what is the primary mechanism of action for progestin only pills?
what is a non-Gyn indication for misoprostol (Cytotec)?
gastric ulcer prevention and treatment
The federal Freedom of Access to Clinical Entrances (FACE) Act provides for "barrier bubbles" of how many feet buffer area in front of entrances?
no such barrier bubble protection at the federal level. 16 states have passed a state version with particular boundaries. FACE Act forbids the use of “force, threat of force or physical obstruction” to prevent someone from providing or receiving reproductive health services. The law also provides for both criminal and civil penalties for those who break the law.