Milk and cookies
Who is Di Di
Most known wrestler
Who is John Cena
Dominos is known for
3 pointer is involved
What is Basketball
What is Florida
This person is 6’6
Who is Uncle
Who is Coco Gauff
Made by wine
What is grapes
Wayne Gretzky
What is Hockey
Austin is its capital
What is Texas
Got a four wheeler
Who is Kayden
Slapped by Will Smith
Who is Chris Rock
Most popular Japanese food
What is Sushi
Flag on the play
What is Football
Empire State is here
What is New York
Valentine’s Day was his day
Who is pop pop
Singing don’t worry about a thing
Who is Bob Marley
Most commonly consumed vegetable
What is Potatoes
PGA Tour
What is Golf
Largest city is missouri
What is Kansas City
Who is Anthony
Moon was touched by this man first
Who is Neil Armstrong
Rice is mainly composed of this
What is Carbohydrate
Racket and shuttlecock
What is Badminton
most ghost towns
What is Oregon