Lori had two cats growing up, one named this after a fluffy and gooey treat, and the other named after a form of address to a man whose name is not known
Marshmallow and Mister
For six months straight, Anthony once used this device, popularized in the 1980s for its ability to artificially emit UV radiation
A Tanning Bed
Emma's go-to candy are these hard to find, bite-sized, circular chocolate candies
Hershey's Drops
It is this professor, who mentored Audrey during her time at USF, that has made her so good at Jeopardy
Dr. Cook
In Chinese culture, Kate's favorite number this, is considered lucky and symbolizes prosperity and happiness
Lori attended Super Bowl XVIII on January 22nd, 1984, when the Los Angeles Raiders beat the Washington Redskins 38-9 in this Florida city
Anthony once weighed 260 pounds, the same as this American actor known for his work as "Bertram" in Disney's 'Jessie.'
Kevin Chamberlain
This writer of the novel "Normal People" is Emma's favorite author
Sally Rooney
Audrey is currently writing a twenty-five paged research paper on this topic
Infinity in Dante's Inferno
Kate has a strange love for this kind of drink, when the carbon dioxide that makes it fizzy escapes from the liquid
Flat Soda
When Lori was visiting the Bahamas as a child, a psychic approached her and told her she had "strong energy," offering to give her a free - and spontaneous - reading of this body part
Her palm
Anthony participated in thirteen street fights, losing 23% of them... meaning he lost how many out of thirteen
If Emma were to get this common household pet, she would choose one over the age of two - and a boy!
A Cat
They are Audrey's favorite Youtuber's to watch... especially while eating
The Sidemen
This "Come Away With Me" singer is Kate's favorite artist
Norah Jones
If Lori could be anything else in life, she would choose to be this kind of performing artist
A Singer
To learn how to kiss, Anthony used to watch these shows, known for their melodramatic and ensemble casts
Soap Operas
One of the oldest patterns around, having been used around the world since ancient times - mainly in woven fabric - is Emma's favorite pattern
Because of her love of art, Audrey has this tattooed on her hip
The Creation of Adam hands' by Michelangelo
This American worldwide clothing and accessories retailer that was founded in 1969 by Donald Fisher and Doris F. Fisher is Kate's favorite store at the moment
Still one of her favorite poems to this day, in Junior High, Lori had to memorize and recite this famous poem by Robert Frost
"The Road Not Taken"
For two weeks, Anthony lived the life of a Clue character, living in this 'fun' room of an empty mansion
Game Room
Often referred to as "girl dinner," Emma's favorite dinner to make when she's lazy is this
A Snack Plate (a little of everything)
Audrey has seen Harry Styles in concert three times; Orlando, New York, and Italy. But it is this favorite song of his that she has never heard live
From the Dining Table
Kate cannot go to bed without doing this for her stuffed animals, often what mothers do to their children before going to sleep
Tucking them in