What is the age requirement for Head Start?
3 years old by September 1 of the current year
When do we recruit?
year round
Who are the families that the program must identify and enroll for Head Start services?
Low income families or those in need.
Program wide what is the percentage for IEP children enrolled?
What is the average daily attendance goal?
Which priority is SNAP, TANF, or SSI benefits
What information is listed on recruitment contact sheet?
Child name, DOB, Telephone, Parent name, Address, income, family size, comments
What form is used for homeless families?
McKinney Vento
What is needed for 3rd year returnees?
re-certification of income
What are some ways to promote attendance?
Flyers, perfect attendance awards, incentives, positive communication with families.
List 4 types of income documents needed for eligibility.
W2, 1040, HCHSP Written Statement, Workforce Unemployment Letter, SSA Award Letter, Pay Stub, 1099, Child Support, Financial Aid Award Letter
How many many stand alone campuses do we have?
How many priorities does Head Start have?
Who can do enrollment?
FSW, CD, FS Coordinator
If a child is going to be absent for 2 weeks because the family will be out of town, do you need to document daily and contact once a week? T/F
What does the income need to be to quality at 100% for a family of 5? 2024-2025 school year
List 4 main recruitment efforts
Website, Outreach, ECI, Door to Door
What is used to verify Foster Care, at least list 2 documents.
Court Order, DFPS forms, proof of foster care payment
After enrollment which consents need to be sign by parent? E-File
Enrollment consent, CACFP, Attendance Policy
When should a child have an attendance plan?
Moderate with identified patterns
consecutive absenteeism
Chronic absenteeism
If family is over income, what documents are acceptable to adjust income.
Ask for additional payments (Mortgage, Utility bill, Taxes, Interest, Homeowner's insurance)
How many times is an application reviewed and by who?
3( FSW, CD, FS Coordinator)
What does IDEA stand for and why do we follow the policy?
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Children turning 3 years old after September 1.
When a child needs to be dropped staff should...
Ask family if Head Start can do something, call and email Family Services, select reason and add case note.
If it is not(Blank), it (Blank)happened.
If it is not documented it never happen.