How many basketball players are on the court for each team?
Which is the greatest lake?
a. Lake Erie
b. Lake Huron
c. Lake Michigan
d. Lake Superior
d. Lake Superior
The first thanksgiving was celebrated by Native Americans and what other group of people?
What famous show did nani watch with pierre when he was a child?
a. Spongebob
b. Golden Girls
c. Harry the scary Buttinthaface
Golden Girls
Fix this sentence:
She played the piano "beautiful"
What NFL team has the best defense?
Which kind of map shows mountains, rivers, oceans and other geographic features?
a. memory map
b. physical map
c. road
d. resource map
b. physical map
Who invented the light bulb in 1879?
Thomas Edison
How old will nani be this year?
"I tell her only ______ I only love my bed and my mama I'm sorry"
In football how many points is a field goal worth?
Which of these is NOT a natural source?
Water, sunlight, metals and minerals or electricity
electricity duh
In 2025 the "Gulf of Mexico" was changed to what name?
"Gulf of America"
What is nani's favorite saying in a gathering?
a. Let there be light
b. I just love my family
c. Ju know what im saying?
b. I just love my family
Have a Holly____ Christmas
What 3 colors are the NP Jets?
Blue, yellow and white
What is the tallest mountain in the US?
Mount Rainer, Castle Peak, Gannett peak or Denali
What is the most spoken language in the world?
Spanish, English, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese
Mandarin Chinese
How many great grandchildren does nani have?
In the stories they say "and they lived____ ever after"
Who is Ray Lewis?
Former Ravens linebacker
How many islands are in Puerto Rico
a. less than 202
b. over 143
c. 222
d. googoo gaga
b. over 143
What was one of Christopher Colombas ships name?
Santa Maria, Pinta, Nina
What year was nani born?
b. 1930
c. 2025
a. 1950
U G _ _