What do social scientists look for?
Social science research looks for the patterns in human behaviour as well as the connections among the behaviours- results of social science research is expressed in Percentages or Ratios
why are relationships important?
Meet people who allow you to develop your interests and share experiences with others. Mutual acceptance and support enables you to work
what is bullying?
Bullying is a repeated negative unwanted action toward another individual
How much you value yourself, like, accept and/or approve of yourself, is?
self esteem
The action of delaying or postponing something
why does bullying happen?
There are different reasons why people bully others. It's because they want to have power over others and improve their social status and other times they may have low self-esteem and want to feel better about themselves or maybe they have a lack of guilt or fail to recognise bullying being a problem.
what is family?
Family is any group of 2 or more persons, who are bound together over time by ties of blood or mutual consent, birth and/or adoption and who together, assume responsibilities for the functions of families
what is harassment?
aggressive pressure to intimidate
A broad view of who we are physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, Inner you, outer you, appearance/behavior
This is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities and the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively.
time management
What can someone do if they are being bullied?
1. Talk to an adult you trust and ask them for help.
2. Stay away from places where bullying happens.
3. Stay near adults and other kids and avoid your bullies.
what are the types/forms of families?
1. Nuclear families
2. single parent families
3. blended families
4. extended families
5. adopted/foster families
what is mediation?
a deadlock may occur when both parties can not agree on a solution, in mediation a third party is asked to help reach a solution that will be good for both parties involved
What is social science and what are the 2 questions social scientists ask?
what happened and why did it happen?
what are smart goals
goals that are s-specific, m-manageable, a-attainable, r-reliable, t-timely
what is the communication process?
what are the functions of family?
1. physical maintenance and care of family members
2. addition of new family members through procreation or adoption
3. socialization of children for adult roles
4. social control of children
5. production, assumption, and distribution of goods and services
6. nurturance and love
How to resolve a conflict?
acquiescence, compromise, negotiation, mediation
what is the difference between growth and development?
Growth- refers to the physical changes that occur in the body
Development- occurs when you coordinate skills into complex behaviour
what are the 3 categories for time management?
1. Planning- need to know what you need to do
2. Prioritizing- identify the most important task to do first
3. Performing- concentrate on a task until it is complete
What plays a role in adolescent development?
1. Physical: your outer appearance and your body
2. Emotional: your feelings/hormones
3. Intellectual: your knowledge/skill development
4. Social: communication and being able to have meaningful conversations
The above make you the person that you are BUT you’re environment and heredity also play a role in your development
what is the difference between family of origin and the one you create?
Family origin is the family you are brought up in and raised by most often blood related. A family you create is by living with someone and caring for them deeply, sometimes having kids or getting a pet and most often not blood related.
what are the forms and classifications of bullying?
1- physical
2- social
3- verbal
4. Cyber
Exclusion- leaving them out, pretending to be their friend
Teasing- calling names, insults, annoying lighty
physical- hitting, shoving, kicking, etc
Harassment- nagging, insulting, embarrassing them, point or picking on others
What is psychology and sociology? What are they the disciplines of?
Sociology- studies how people behave with others within families, groups and society
Psychology- examines how you think, how you feel, and what motivates you
These are a few of the disciplines of social science.
what is maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
self-actualization, esteem, love and belonging, safety, and psychological needs.