How many hours difference is Savannah from California?
3 hours
Savannah's First super Walmart opened when?
What is the name of this roller coaster
What is the make, model, and year of Samantha's first car?
Honda, Civic, 1996
What do we call a man who's name we don't know?
What is the time Zone of Miami, FL?
Eastern Time
This Department Store used to be in the Savannah Mall?
Montgomery Ward
What is the Halloween Celebration at Universal Studios called?
Halloween Horror Nights
What type of care is this?
Chevy Nova
When someone has diarrhea we say they?
Nappy Up
Hoe Many hours ahead of the US is China?
11 hours
This is the only black owned major car dealer in the city?
Chatham Parkway Toyota
What street is this MCDonald's found on?
International Drive
What is type of car is this?
Ford Pinto
When headed to Canebreak we say we are going?
Down the Road
Utqiagvik, Alaska has how many days of night in a row?
66 days
Before the Kmart on Montgomery Crossroads closed there was another Kmart where what is now?
Name this Ride?
King Kong
What is the 2021 Top Safety Pick Mid-Size Car?
Honda, Accord
Auntie Janie lives on the?
Hill Part
Denver, Colorado is in what time zone?
Visitors to Savannah like to eat here, but locals don't eat there?
Lady and Son's
What water park is this water slide from?
Wet and Wild
What is the make and model of this Vehicle?
Dodge, Caravan
What is Grandaddy Address?
121 Canebreak RD