How Many Planets and Dwarf Planets are there in our Solar System
What is 8 Planets and 5 Dwarf Planets
When was Jesus Born
December 24 or 25
Which ocean is the largest and deepest of Earth's five oceans.
The pacific
When does the WW2 start and end
1939 and 1945
what is the world's Fastest animal
Peregrine Falcon
How many seasons does Uranus Have
When was Jesus crucified
Good Friday
The Sahara Desert covers most of this continent
What were the main countries involved in the cold war
Soviet Union and Usa
Which 2 mammals can lay eggs
Platypus and Echidna
How long does a year last in Mercury
88 days
Who was Jesus's first disciple
St Andrew the apostles
The Andes mountain range runs through this South American country.
South America
What is the Diameter of Jupiter ( estimate)
142 980 km
What was Jesus's first miracle
transforms approximately 120 gallons of water into wine
Which attack on this U.S. naval base led the United States to enter World War II.
Pearl Harbor
What type of animals do not develop a true placenta and that usually have a pouch that serve to carry the young
What is the average distance from Uranus to the Sun
2 871 000 000
How much money did Judas get for betraying Jesus
30 pieces of silver
The Great Barrier Reef is located off which coast (Australian state)
How many kings did France have in total
Which animal is the endangered
Javan Rhino