Who the grandchildren get their good looks from.
Who is Tata?
The year the kids had a Halloween hunt and hadtreasure chest prizes.
What is? 2016
The amount of names for Spotty. (Name all for x2 points)
What is 5 (Spotty, Spoticus, Coco de mama, Asparagus, Meatball)
Tata says this when you get something wrong.
What is "Reprobado"?
Alli's Favorite soda. (Specify flavor for double points.)
What is Mtn. Dew? (Lemon Lime)
Billy's favorite video game series.
A. Zelda B. Smash Bros. C. Mario D. Metroid
What is Metroid?
The year we took the photo with the children holding up their age.
What is 2012?
Benji's favorite toy.
What is squeaky toys?
Tata says this when you speak incorrect English.
What is "I have an ESL class next _____(Day) I'm going to need to enroll you."?
The age Abby was when she first broke her arm, and the arm that broke.
What is 5, Right?
The year Nana Y Tata bought their house.
What is 1991?
Rosalina has a spotted tongue hates water and hates car rides.
True or False?
What is True?
Tata says this when you tell a long story.
What is "I'm going to have to wait till the movie comes out"?
This family member was given a Barbie book from Santa two years in a row.
Who is Von-E?
The instrument Nana used to play.
A. Flute B. Piano C. Clarinet D. Violin
What is Clarinet?
The month Spotty and Rose moved in with Nana Y Tata.
What is? April 2020
Von E's dog's that can speak.
Who is Wylie and Balboa?
Tata says this when he offers you something and you dont want any.
What is "Entre menos burros más olotes"?
The newspaper company Conrad worked for? (Name all for 2x Points)
What is Aztec Press, The Daily Wildcat, The Daily Star?
What Adelaide likes best.
A. Dinosaurs B. Batman C. Chocolate D. Dogs
What is Batman?
The year Tata graduated.
What is? 1877
Osa's age when she passed away.
What is 16?
What the beacon employee said when he saw Tata's Arizona Cardinal hat.
What is "Cardinals? Cardinals suck."?