How did dad get a concussion at Josh's soccer game?
Passed out due to Sophie's head wound
Where did dad propose to mom?
Stanley Park
What Italian word best describes Cleo in her fat & happy latter years?
What are the children of Grandma & Grandpa's barber?
Jonathan, Jamieson & Elizabeth
What did the doctor offer Gillian before stitching her ankle wound?
Swig of liquor
What music did Gillan's ex-boyfriend Matt listen to in Manzanita?
German death metal
In what European city to mom & dad's relationship end before it started?
Lucerne, Switzerland
What song did Matt sing on the sailboat in Italy?
Firework by Katie Perry
Where did the name "Kiki" come from?
Cristina misprouncing "glasses" in Italian
In what city did Andrew exclaim "they're all puppets?!" before seeing the Sound of Music?
What would Josh say to Nonno when he wanted the last serving of food?
Dump it, Nonno!
What was the first thing mom did when dad showed her the engagement ring?
Spat her champagne back into the glass
What is the full name of the organization from where Tasha was rescued?
BARC - Bahrain Animal Rescue Center
Who made little Sophie laugh at the Disneyland characters restaurant?
Chip & Dale
Who would Bruce pretend to be for Sophie on road trips?
Blue from Blues Clues
How many pieces of artwork did Andrew bring home from preschool?
Two (?)
Who was mom pretending to be when she ran away in Cervinia?
What unreleased song by Andrew is destined to be a #1 hit?
Party with the Horses
Who was Matt really calling the first time Betty thought he said "Momma"?
Chester (Mimi)
Where did we see an active volcano by sailboat?
Stromboli, Aeolian Islands
When mom hears an ambulance, what does she think of?
Her ex-boyfriend, Fraser (?)
Where did dad learn to ski?
Rainbow at Whistler
Where TV show was the origin of Chester's nickname "Raminski"?
Friends (Dr. Drake Ramoray)
What names did Cristina call Zio Chris & Zia Silvia when she was young?
Chis & NiNi
What free-roaming animals at a French zoo caused mom to abandon her children?