What is Child Neglect?
The failure to provide a minimum degree of care.
sexual abuse cases most commonly occur between...
8 - 12
Who are never victims of abuse?
Who focuses their energy on the preservation and collection of evidence for criminal prosecution?
Law Enforcement Officers
What is Child Abuse?
The physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child.
What is Physical Neglect?
The failure to provide food, appropriate clothing, supervision, a home that is hygienic and safe, and necessary medical care.
... children have been physically abused
1 in 14
What mostly happens only in poor, uneducated, and minority families?
Family Violence
Law Enforcement officers must follow what proper procedures when dealing with violence in order to diffuse the situation?
Separating the parties, conducting interviews, observing the scene, checking for injuries
What is Emotional Abuse?
language or behavior which damages a child’s mental well-being and self-esteem.
What is Educational Neglect?
Failure to accomplish the following... enroll a school-age child in school, provide necessary special education, and stop excessive absences form school.
victims of bullying are ... as likely to consider suicide than non-victims
What is issued by the criminal court after the abuser is arrested for committing family violence, sexual assault, sexual abuse or stalking?
Magistrate’s Order for Emergency Protection
Law Enforcement officers must receive special training that focuses on the special needs of the victims. What two special needs of the victims do officers have to receive/learn?
Psychological emotional state and physical condition
What is Physical Abuse?
Injury caused by physical aggression.
What is Emotional Neglect?
financial abuse occurs in ... of abusive relationships
98 percent
What is a court order designed to provide individuals and their family members with immediate protection from an abuser?
Temporary Ex Parte Protective Order
What factors dictate the legal punishment for family violence?
State in which the abuse took place, age of the victim, criminal history of the accused, type of offense, or harm inflicted.
What is Sexual Abuse?
Sexual contact with a child or the use of a child for sexual pleasure.
What is Medical Neglect?
A parent or guardian's failure to provide adequate medical care for their child or children.
one in five women and one in ... men will be raped at some point in their lives
What must be read in their entierty by law enforcement officers before making an arrest?
Protective Order
What are family violence penalties/consequences?
community service, fines, anger management or intervention programs, jail time, restraining or protective orders.
What is Financial Abuse?
The use of money or property to control or exploit another individual.