Emotional Abuse
What is verbal or behavioral that damages an individual?
Child Abuse
What is the physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child?
Sexual abuse cases commonly occur between...
What is ages 8 to 12?
Patterns of abusive behavior between adults in intimate relationships or family members in order to..
What is to gain or maintain power over the other
Physical abuse
What is an injury caused by physical aggression?
common forms of child abuse
What is Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Neglect?
Victims of bullying are _ as likely to consider suicide than non-victims?
What is twice?
Misconceptions about family violence
what is...
-Men are never victims
-family violence occurs only in poor, uneducated and minority families
-family violence is always physical
No Contest
What is the defendant accepting punishment without admitting guilt?
Financial Abuse
What is the use of money or property to control or exploit another individual?
What can affect the legal punishment of abuse towards a child?
What is
-State in which the abuse took place
-Child's age
-Involvement of sexual abuse
-Presence of mental or physical injury
-Criminal history of the offender
Almost all women physically abused are also...
What is verbally abused?
What are the forms of family violence?
What is
How many U.S. courts of appeals are there?
What is 13?
Elder Abuse
What is isolating an elder adult from family or friends
If child abuse isn't reported, it can lead to...
What is fines or jail time?
A woman in the U.S. is beaten or assaulted every...
What is nine seconds?
More than how much is spent yearly on health-related costs of domestic violence?
What is 5.8 billion?
Appreciative listening
What is the most enjoyable type of listening?
Protective Orders
What is used by a court to protect an individual in a situation involving any form of violence?
The total cost of child abuse is..
What is $258 million?
Approximately how many elderly are abused yearly?
What is 5 million?
Family violence penalties/consequences
-community service
-anger management or intervention programs
-jail times
-restraining or protective orders
What percent of cases end up in plea bargains?
What is more than 90 percent?