Scaling question.
What is on a scale of 0-10.....
How safe did you feel that day?
How safe do you feel now?
*Evidence of physical abuse (such as a black eye, neck abrasions, hoarseness of voice or bruises) *Evidence of damage to property or emotionally important items (holes in wall, destroyed furniture, torn pictures, phone ripped out of wall, no working phone)*Reluctance of adults to be interviewed separately (abuser speaking for survivor) · Survivor or child appears fearful of abuser · Child appears overly protective of survivor* Evidence of animal abuse
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If the abusive partner has access to a weapon, that is considered a high-risk situation.
What is true?
What number safety threat is most associated with family violence?
What is number 9?
Positioning question
What is, if your child was to tell me about what happened, what do you think they would say?
This can be a time of elevated risk for a survivor.
What is when a survivor is in the process of leaving or has recently left.
What is weapons?
Group therapy is the modality of choice for abusers and survivors of FV.
What is true?
Where we report elder and dependent abuse.
What is APS?
Prompt for talking about safety networks.
Who in your life already knows about your case with us? · Who really “has your back”—who can you really trust? · Who knows you and your parenting at its best? · If you suddenly became sick, who would you trust the most with your children? · If your children were here right now, who would they say they trust the most? Who would they say they hope would be there for them?
Name these acronyms:
What are...
Emergency Protective Order
Temporary Restraining Order
Criminal Protective Order
Military Protective Order
What is harassment?
If creating a safety plan for FV, the survivor obtaining an RO will be on the safety plan.
What is false?
How to handle a CFT meeting when a restraining order is place.
What is have 2 CFTMs?
Even if there is no active order, assess for dynamics of power and control and if 2 meeting would better serve the family.
The tool you can use to learn about and help a family increase their safety network. It starts with a circle with the people who know everything about the family.
What are safety circles?
Three elements that may pose a high risk of a violent confrontation.
What are: Survivor leaving, CFWB court intervention, recently released from custody and/or facing incarceration, allegation made directly to the abuser, access to weapons, termination of FR/FM services, recent or past strangulation, substance use.
What is lethality?
You do not leave a business card for any DV/family violence referrals.
What is false?
On a case-by-case basis and in consultation with the PSS, the SW can leave a business card and voicemail message but do not write anything on the card or leave a message that would indicate you are calling about FV. This can create an unsafe situation for the survivor and their children.
When working with a military family, the incident is cross reported to....
What is FAP (Family Advocacy Program)?
Has there been times when s/he/you handled their/your anger differently?
Three elements of a high risk FV referral/case.
What are: Children were intervening, lack of empathy for the children, secretive and isolated, highly traumatized survivor, history of lethal violence, high degree of denial, frequency, severity and duration of the violence, substance use.
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What is intimate partner violence?
When an IPV/DV incident occurs off base for a military family, local law enforcement automatically reports to the base officials.
What is false?
DOD officials are currently working to develop memoranda of understanding (MOU) with civilian law enforcement authorities to establish such reporting procedures.
Three elements of a low risk FV referral/case.
What are: Aggressor out of the home, no stalking or threats, no injuries, extensive support network, no self-blame (survivor), both parties acknowledge the impact on the children.