Faithful Families

This Saint likened his writings to straw compared to the glory of God, yet he is known as one of the greatest theologians and moral teachers of the Catholic Church. Writer of the Summa Theologiae and Summa contra Gentiles.

'St. Thomas Aquinas'


In John 3:5, Jesus describes this Sacrament of Initiation to the pharisee Nicodemus, saying that “no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.”



Used since the third century, Mary has been honored with this title, perhaps her first, that also serves to emphasize Jesus as both God and man. It is also used as the term for an Eastern icon of Mary with Jesus.

'Mother of God,' ‘theotokos,’ ‘Dei Genetrix,’ ‘Deipara,’ ‘God-bearer’

This biblical trio of siblings were close friends of Jesus from Bethany. One sister is famous for serving Jesus, another for "choosing the better part," and their brother for being resurrected by Jesus.

Mary, Martha, Lazarus


Jesus gives us his disciples this prayer directly in Matthew 6:9-13, teaching them how to pray 'in these words our Savior gave us.'

'Our Father,' 'The Lord's Prayer'


While pregnant with St. Dominic, St. Dominic's mother had a vision of this animal leaping from her womb with a torch in its mouth, becoming a symbol for the Dominicans "setting the world on fire." 



Many followers leave Jesus after this controversial teaching established in John 6:51: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

'Real presence in the Eucharist,' 'the Eucharist'


Bearing in herself Jesus — the true Bread, living Word, and High Priest — Mary has been honored with the title of this Old Testament structure, containing manna from Heaven, the tablets of the 10 commandments, and the rod of Aaron.

'Ark of the Covenant'


The Feast of this Family is normally celebrated on the Sunday after Christmas. St. John Paul II calls it "an example for all Christian and human families. It radiates genuine love and charity... offering the guarantee that such love can be achieved in every family unit." 

The Holy Family / Jesus, Mary, and Joseph


Accepted and prayed by Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant churches, this prayer, beginning in Latin with “Credo,” was named after the Council of Nicaea and Council of Constantinople.

'Nicene creed,' 'Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed'


Alongside “laudare” (to praise) and “benedicere” (to bless), this last principle of the Dominicans’ motto refers to their call to speaking. It is also the reason they are known by the acronym, “O.P.”

'praedicare,' 'to preach'


Peter and John travel to Samaria in Acts 8:14-18 to lay hands on believers that they may receive the Holy Spirit in this Sacrament of Initiation. From the Latin word ‘to strengthen,’ this is normally administered by a Bishop to the faithful as a sacrament after Baptism.



In reference to his spouse, St. Joseph was honored with this title in reference of his protection of Mary from many harms, including Herod’s massacre of the innocents. It also reaffirms Mary’s perpetual virginity.

'Guardian of the Virgin,' 'Chaste Guardian of the Virgin'


Barren until their old age, in an apocryphal account these two Saints were visited by an angel who told them to expect a daughter, "through whom will come the salvation of the world." The Church celebrates their daughter's Immaculate Conception.

Joachim and Anna


Developing from the Desert Father tradition of using stones and rope to pray the 150 Psalms, lay faithful eventually substituted these for 150 Hail Mary’s, in three sets of 50 / 15 sets of 10. St. Francis de Sales says “the greatest method of praying is to pray [this]", a meditation on the life of Christ.

'the Rosary'


This Dominican Saint, named after St. Vincent martyr, was believed to have the gift of tongues. He famously disagreed with St. Catherine of Siena on the true Pope during the Western schism, proving even saints have to work through heavy disagreements.

'St. Vincent Ferrer'


Acts 1:12-26 describes this practice of the Catholic Church in the ordination of bishops, aligned with the election of a new apostle, Matthias, to succeed the position left by Judas.

'Apostolic succession'


This title of Mary is famously associated with a painting of Mary in pink, associated with several miracles. The transformation of its color was first unveiled by Pope Pius IX, who greatly ‘admired’ it.

'Mother most admirable,' 'Mater admirabilis'


Among this French family are three Saints and one Servant of God. Both mother and father were turned away from religious life, eventually finding and marrying one another. After the mother's death, the family moved to Lisieux, where the youngest daughter became a Carmelite.

Martin family / Louis, Zelie, and Therese Martin


You’ve probably received a prayer card from Fr. Xavier with this prayer, an Ignatian practice of reviewing one’s day to see God’s presence and discern God’s direction.

‘Ignatian Examen,’ ‘Daily Examen,’


Name the four pillars of Dominican Life

'prayer,’ ‘study,’ ‘community,’ ‘preaching’


In Luke 1:28, Gabriel hails Mary as “full of grace,” offering a basis for this infallible Marian doctrine. Catholics understand this to indicate Mary being without sin, even Original Sin.

'Immaculate Conception'


Name 5 of the 16 Vatican-approved Marian apparitions

Our Lady of: ‘Guadalupe,’ ‘La Salette,’ ‘the Golden Heart,’ ‘Knock,’ ‘Fatima,’ ‘Lourdes,’ ‘Happy Meetings/Laus,’ ‘the Miraculous Medal,’ ‘Hope,’ ‘Gietrzwald,’ ‘Lezajsk,’ ‘Siluva,’ ‘Zion,’ ‘Kibeho / Mother of the Word’

‘Virgin of the Poor,’

‘Our Lady, Help of Christians’


The courtship of this Saint and her husband are made famous in their love letters, describing their first meeting at mass, prayers for each other, and growing affection. Passing away after the birth of her fourth child, she is now the patron of wives, families, and the unborn, among others.

Gianna Molla


Given to Don Dolindo Ruotolo, spiritual director of Padre Pio, this prayer encourages the faithful to ‘leave the care of your affairs’ to the Lord, because ‘a thousand prayers cannot equal one single act of [this action].'

'Surrender novena'
