With Eyes Of Faith
Was Jephthah a spiritual man?
1 minuteOf course he was!
Which Apostle Betrayed Jesus With A Kiss?
(Luke 22:47)
1 minute
Judas Iscariot
He was replaced by "Matthias"
Samuel was Hannah's only son
(1 Samuel 2:21)
1 minute
Hannah had 3 other sons and 2 daughters
What Is The Daily Text For December 20th?
30 Seconds
2 Peter 1:21
How Does It Make You Feel
Song 76
Who is the Grandfather of Josiah?
(From Last Watchtower)
45 seconds
King Manasseh
Which Apostle was a tax collector?
45 seconds
Gideon refused to rule Israel
(Judges 8:22,23)
45 seconds
Unscramble this one of these words that forms a book in the bible [numerals excluded]:
"shines on a salt" or "I select cases" (+100 is you get both is your time)
22 seconds
They are Thessalonians and Ecclesiastes!
What are the three songs for the midweek meeting?
30 seconds
Songs 127, 138 and song 55
According to our most recent Watchtower, name one time where David did not show mercy to someone and how he did not show mercy?
(30 seconds)
There were,
- When Nabal did not provide food to David and his men
- When Nathan told David about a rich man who robbed his poor neighbor of a beloved sheep.
When Samuel was young and slept in the temple of God, what was his first job in the morning?
30 seconds
It was to open "the doors of Jehovah's house"
(1 Samuel 3:3, 15)
This is Brother Kenneth E. Cook, Jr (30 seconds)
Unscramble the word that is the name of a bible book [numerals excluded]:
"metal nations"
15 seconds
It is Lamentations!
Guess The Song!
15 seconds
Maximum Listens: 3
(Hint:Look at meetings)
Song 127, The Sort Of Person I Should Be
What are the scriptures for the Initial Call and Return Visit in the sample conversation for this week's mid-week meeting?
15 seconds
Romans 15:4 and Revelations 21:3,4
When Abraham and Sarah left the city of Ur, what did they live in?
15 seconds
(Genesis 24:67)
Like their father, Korahβs sons rebelled against Moses and Aaron and died with Korah.
15 seconds
False (Numbers 26:10, 11)
What 3 items are in the ark of the covenant
8 seconds
A golden jar containing manna, a golden censer and Aaron's rod that budded and the tablets of the covenant.
What does true repentance involve?
State at least one thing it involves, +5 points for any other things you say.
From Last Watchtower
15 Seconds
It involves being sorry we have pursed a sinful course, having a genuine change of mind and heart which leads to taking a positive active, abandoning a wrong course to go back to Jehovah's way and to have the concern to repair his damaged relationship with Jehovah.
Because of his faith, Moses refused to be called what?
10 seconds
Pharaoh's daughter.
(Hebrews 11:24)
Brother Kenneth Flodin, a helper to the Teaching Committee had the starting and ending talks to the first part of the 150th Gilead Graduation.
False, it was Brother (Anthony) Morris III
When and where did we get our name "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
1 minute ;D
At the convention in Columbus, Ohio USA in 1931
The sign "JW" in the program gave everyone the clue