This scripture is widely used to teach persons God's name
Psalms 83:18
Only he and his family survived the flood
If you be happy and enter his rest.. .
Listen, obey and be blessed
This scripture debunks the false teaching that something lives on after we die
Ecclesiasties 9:5, 10
I was betrayed by the woman I loved and taken as a prisoner by my enemies
Do raise me up; help me endure
When I’m in doubt, make my hope sure
This scripture can be used to show God's plan to get rid of wicked persons
Psalm 37:10, 11
I experienced shipwreck, dangers from ghighway men and beatings while in my ministry
Apostle Paul
To whom do you belong?
Which God do you now obey?
This scripture is used to show Jehowill make wars cease
Micah 4:3, 4
I wrote the book of Revelation while.on the isle of Patmos
Apostle John
I feed by faith and starve me doubt
I beg Jehovah, help me out
Thus scripture is mainly used to show why Jehovah witnesses do not accept blood transfusion
Acts 15: 28. 29
I played mad to escape my enemies
The beauty of the day and night
You fashioned with love