Name the first book of the Hebrew scriptures
Who wrote most of the letters in the Greek scriptures?
The Apostle Paul
The Queen of this land came to see Solomon and his temple
What food fell from the sky for the Israelites to eat while they were in the wilderness?
What year did Jesus die?
Which Book has the most chapters?
Name the 12 Apostles
Andrew, Peter, Philip, James, John, Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Judas Iscariot, Thaddaeus, Simon
Matthew 10:2-4 just in case there is a dispute over the names.
Joseph took Mary and Jesus and ran away to this country
When Elisha's servant was scared about the army coming towards them, what did he get to see when Elisha said: ‘There are more with us than with them.’
Elisha’s servant see that the mountains all around the city were full of horses and fiery war chariots.
How many years where the Israelites in the wilderness for?
40 years
How many small prophet books are there?
He was known as "the Evangelizer" and had 4 daughters who were prophetess'?
When Jacob had a dream about a stairway that went all the way to heaven, what did he name the place when he woke up?
Bethel - because he said it was the house of God
Genesis 28:16-19
What did Joshua ask for when fighting against the Amorites?
The Sun to stand still
When did we have the international convention at Twickenham?
What verse is credited as the shortest?
1 Thess 5:17
When Joseph was put in charge of the food in Egypt, what name did Pharaoh give him?
Genesis 41:45
Where did Job live?
Job 1:1
List the 10 Plagues
Nile turned to blood, Frogs, Gnats, Gadflies, Animals got sick, boils, Hail, Locusts, darkness and Firstborns die
When did the Anglo-American world power come into being?
1914-1918 during World War 1
In the King James version of the bible how many times is the name Jehovah found? BONUS 100 points if you can tell me where they are found.
4 times.
Bonus answer:
Ex 6:3, Ps 83:18, Isa 12:2 and Isa 26:4
Name the 12 Prophets that wrote the last books of the Hebrew scriptues
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
Which mountain was Jesus on when he gave the Sermon on the mount?
We don't know its name, just its location.
There are 9 Resurrections recorded in the bible, name all the people who performed the resurrections.
Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, Peter, Paul and Obviously Jehovah
What year did the Israelites leave Egypt?
1513 b.c.e