New heavens and a new earth.
What is 2Peter 3:13?
How many individuals make up the heavenly kingdom?
144,000 and 1 (Jesus)?
The last days end with this global event.
What is Armageddon?
One of the richest and wisest people ever to live.
Who is Solomon?
I asked Jesus how many times are we to forgive our brother?
Who is Peter?
The Good news will be preached.
What is Matthew 24:14
Or Mark 13:10?
Jehovah called him his "Friend". And he is known as "the father of all those having faith."
Who was Abraham?
This event lead to rejoicing in the heavens and woe for the earth.
What is Satan was kicked out of heaven and hurled to the earth?
Pilate set this man free in place of Jesus.
Who was Barabbas? (Matthew 27:26)
Peninnah made my life miserable. When Eli saw me pouring out my heart to Jehovah, he first accused me of drunkenness.
Who is Hannah?
Man is unable to direct his step.
What is Jeremiah 10:23?
This couple had their first child around 100 years of age?
Who is Abraham and Sarah?
Jehovah gave this as a sign he would never again destroy the earth by a flood.
What is a Rainbow?
I ate locusts and wild honey.
Who was John the Baptist? (Matthew 3:4)
I was daughter of Bethuel the son of Nahor.
My brother’s name was Laban.
I was married to Isaac
Who is Rebekah?
A GREAT CROWD comes out of the Great Tribulation.....
What is Revelation 7:9?
This young man was a victim of child abuse and human trafficking.....
Who is Joseph?
On the last night of Jesus' life, Peter cut off this man's right ear.
Who is Malchus? (a slave to the high priest)
(John 18:10)
I was known as Levi. I use to be a tax collector, but then I was chosen by Jesus.
Who was Matthew?
I was Jesus' half-brother. I even wrote a book of the Bible.
Who is James?
Seek first the Kingdom.
What is Matthew 6:33?
This talk is considered the greatest talk ever given.
What is the Sermon on the Mount?
Jehovah did this to provide a way out for his people out of Egypt.
What is Parted the Red Sea? (Ex. 14)
I said: “Here I am! Send me!”
Who is Isaiah? (Isaiah 6:8)
My name means "rebel"
I was known as a mighty hunter in defiance of Jehovah
I built the tower of Babel
Who was Nimrod.