Jesus' apostle who betrayed him?
Who is Judas Iscar'iot (John 12:4)
You have 30 seconds to tell me what the:
What is: "what happens at a kingdom hall"
"When he was young, David loved God...."
What is: "He prayed to him and sang him songs."
What happened after Noah loaded the animals and all his family on the arc?
What is Jehovah shut the door and the Earth began to flood (Genesis 7:7-10)
Matthew, _____, Luke, John,
What is Mark
Noah's 3 sons were named...?
Who is Shem, ham, and Japhath (Genesis 10:1)
you have 30 seconds to search and tell me what
what is: "Come! Let us go down there and confuse their language in order that they may not understand one another’s language."
" Her life then changed so fast. She was chosen to be queen, Esther obeyed she showed courage. So this teaches meee.."
What is: "I want to be like Esther. She had courage; she was brave."
What happened after Moses struck the rock 2 times?
What is Water poured out of the rock and Jehovah was upset with Moses and Aaron for taking all the credit. (Numbers 20:11-12)
_________, Leviticus, numbers, Deuteronomy
What is Exodus
Nebuchadnez'zar tried to burn these 3 men in a fiery furnace...?
Who is Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednago (Daniel 3:23)
You have 30 seconds to tell me what LESSON 3 IS OVER IN THE "LOVE PEOPLE MAKE DISCIPLES" BOOK....GO!
What is "kindness"
"There's a beautiful gift that Jehovah provides, it helps us grow strong like a treeeee...."
What is: "It is God's holy spirit that he gives to us and its' fruitage is easy to seeeee...."
What happened after the members of the Sanhedrin could not hold their own against the wisdom and spirit Stephen was speaking with?
What is they falsely charged him with blasphemy
and eventually stoned him to death. (Acts 7:59)
Esther, Job, Psalms, _________,
What is Proverbs
Who was the first king over israel...?
Who is Saul (1Samuel 9:17)
You have 30 seconds to tell me how long this video is .... GO!
(Ronald Curzan:"deal with anxiety one day at a time")
What is - 17:01
"To make a friend be a friend....."
What is: "Be kind and learn to share"
What happened to wicked queen Jezebel's body after she died when they went to bury her?
What is it was missing because she was eaten by dogs (2 Kings 35-36)
Philemon, Hewbrews, ______, 1Peter
What is James
Abraham and Sarah's names before Jehovah changed them?
Who is A'bram and Sar'ai?(Genesis 17:5 & 15)
You have 30 seconds to tell me what the
What is 84
"Ruth truly was a friend, on whom Naomi could depend..."
What is: "Ruth said when needed most; Where you go I will go"
What happened after Jesus found people in the temple selling animals and money brokers in their seats?
What is he made a whip out of rope, drove out the animals, poured out the money changers coins, and turned over their tables. (John 2:14-15)
Joel, Amos, ________, Jonah,
What is Obadiah