She is the first woman named in the Bible?
May people know that you, whose name is ...
Jehovah (Psalms 83:18)
Song 1 (title)
Jehovah's Attributes
Every six months, I visit and encourage the congregation ...
Circuit overseer
How many Governing Body members do we have?
11 (Brother Cook, Brother Fleegle, Brother Herd, Brother Jackson, Brother Lett, Brother Lösch, Brother Sanderson, Brother Splane, Brother Winder, Brother Jedele, and Brother Rumph)
Which Bible writer was a physician? Which two books did he write? (bonus)
Luke; Luke wrote the Bible books of Luke and Acts
Man must live, not on bread alone, but on ...
every word that comes from Jehovah's mouth (Matthew 4:4)
Song 23 (title)
Jehovah Begins His Rule
I am the person who is responsible for ensuring that the meeting is organized well on Tuesdays ...
Life and Ministry Meeting Overseer
Which Christian couple in the Bible engaged in the trade of tentmaking?
Aquila and Priscilla
Who prayed for one son but was blessed with three sons and two daughters?
No greater joy do I have than this ...
that I should hear that my children go on walking in the truth (3 John 4)
Song 59 (title)
Praise Jah With Me
I am the person who gives private counsel when it is needed ...
Auxiliary counselor
How many books of the Bible are named after women? (If you get it right, bonus points)
2 (Ruth and Esther)
Who is the grandfather of Noah?
Which scripture gives the clear command on tattoos?
Leviticus 19:28
Song 117 (title)
The Quality of Goodness
Jesus is my half-brother. My blood brother is James ...
The Apostle Paul wrote to this person on behalf of Onesimus?
These three women share the same first name and are connected directly to Jesus in the Gospel accounts?
Mary - mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary - sister of Martha and Lazarus
Which scripture speaks about the "flame of Jah"? What is the "flame of Jah"? (bonus)
Song of Solomon 8:6; the flame of Jah is true love because Jehovah is the Originator of love
A paradise, our God has promised. By means ...
... of Christ's Millennial Reign (Song 145)
I am the longest-serving Bible king and was only 12 years old when I ascended to the throne ...
The four components of blood that we refuse in blood transfusions ... (bonus)
... blood plasma, white cells, platelets, and red cells