Name 1 of the current Governing Body Members
You could mentione any of the following: Kenneth Cook, Jr.; Gage Fleegle; Samuel Herd; Geoffrey Jackson; Stephen Lett; Gerrit Lösch; Mark Sanderson; David Splane; Jeffrey Winder, Jody Jedele and Jacob Rumph
Who was the Disciple that baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
Who taught Prophet Elisha?
Prophet Elijah
Where was the first Prophecy recorded at?
Genesis 3:15
What does LDC Stand For?
What does the Governing Body do for us?
(Hint:Matt 24:45-47)
They supply us with spiritual food through meetings, Watchtower publications and more.
Who was the disciple that betrayed Jesus?
Judas Is•car'i'ot
Was Jesus a Phophet?
Yes (He foretold his own sufferings and manner of death, the scattering of his disciples, the siege of Jerusalem, and the utter destruction of that city and its temple.)
Who told King Nebukanezzar about the Prophecy of The Immense Statue?
Prophet Daniel
Who is ruling in heaven as of now?
Jesus Christ
Who were the Governing Body Members in the First Century.
(Full point if mentioned half but double if mention all.)
It was: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Thomas, Philip, Andrew, James, Mattias, Bartholomew, James the son of Alpheaus and a few other faithful men.
What did Jesus say to Peter when he cut off the ear of a slave?
(Hint: Matthew 26:52)
"Return your sword to its place, for all who take up the sword, will perish by the sword."
Which Phophet was swallowed by a Animal?
(Hint: The animal was a sea creature.)
How many interpretation did the phophecy of the Enourmous tree that reaches to the heavens have?
It had 2
1: after 606 B.C.E his rulership would end due to his insanity but after 7 years he would regain his sanity and rule again as king.
2:Jerusalem would be destroyed interrupting the line of Isrealite Kings for 2520 years and we get this since the Bible book of Revelation says that three and a half times equal 1,260 days. (Revelation 12:6, 14) Seven times is double that number, or 2,520 days. Sometimes the Bible uses a day to represent a year so 2,520 years. from 607 B.C.E and add 2520 years it is 1924 when Jesus began ruling as King in heaven.
Who was the Father of Moses?
He was not named but it was a man of the house of Le'vi.
How did the Governing Body make its appearance in recent times?
C.T Russell had dedicated his time,energy, wealth and more into the ministry and as a result, was requested by the congregation of Christian Bible students at Allegheny to serve as its pastor or spiritual shepherd. Five years later Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was incorporated and served as an “agency” to minister spiritual food to thousands of sincere persons seeking to know God and to understand his Word. Dedicated, baptized, anointed Christians became associated with that Society at headquarters in Pennsylvania. Whether on the Board of Directors or not, they rendered themselves available for special work of the “faithful and discreet slave” class. They aided in the feeding and directing of the slave class, and thus a governing body made its appearance.
Who were the Disciples related to Jesus?
John the Baptist (He was a second cousin to Jesus) James (brother of Jesus)
Which Prophet wrote their book of the bble after Jehovah's great victory on Behalf of King Jehoshaphat?
(Hint: Their scripture is in the Hebrew-Aramaic and it starts with J.)
When was Isaiah 7:14 fufilled?
It was Fufilled when Jesus was born from Mary who was a virgin.
What Scripture says "Draw Close to God and He will Draw Close to You."
James 4:8
Where were the First Century Governing Body Members located at?
At first they were located at Jerusalem but then it increased to include other elders from Jerusalem congregations.
Who was the Disciple that denied Jesus 3 times?
Simon Peter
Who was the First Human Phophet?
Adam (The first human spokesman for God obviously was Adam, who initially conveyed God’s instructions to his wife Eve and to that extent fulfilled the role of prophet. Those instructions had to do not only with the present (for them) but also with the future, outlining God’s purpose for earth and mankind and the course humans must take to enjoy a blessed future.)
When did Jesus fufill the words at Isaiah 9:1,2
(You can read the scripture if need be)
It was at Matthew 4:13-16, when Jesus went to Ca·perʹna·um beside the sea in the districts of Zebʹu·lun and Naphʹta·li, and the residents saw a great light and Jesus began preaching.
What is the title of Song No. 58?
Searching for Friends of Peace