I parted the Red Sea with Jehovah helps…
...It's Moses
Who did Joseph’s brothers sell him to?
Became a father at 86 and then again at 100…
It's Abraham
I received a bad haircut - because I married a woman who did not serve Jehovah.
...It's Samson
Throw your burden on Jehovah….
Psalm 55:22
The man was "blameless and upright" in God's eyes. Hint: He felt pressured even by his wife…
It's Job
A slave, raised as a prince…
It's Moses
What are the names of the monthly programs on JW.org are…
They are JW Broadcasting & Governing Body Updates
We refused to bow down to the idol.
They was Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego
"Love Never Fails”…
1 Corinthians 13:8
What was the name of the high priest’s servant who had his ear cut off by Peter?
The account mentioned "Tens of Thousands". Name the person whom the number was applied to. Hint: The king at the time became jealous of Him…
What videos are featured in the Teaching Toolbox?
Why Study the Bible? (short and full length version)
What Happens at a Bible Study?
What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?
Jehovah's Witnesses - Who Are We?
I was eight years old when I became King of Judah….
It's King Josiah
What is the 2023 Year Text?
Psalm 119:160 "The very essence of your word is truth"
"Those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good."
#Full verse of Psalm 34:10 is..."Even strong young lions have been reduced to hunger, But those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good."
What was the name of the tower that the people were building when God confused their language?
Tower of Babel
The parents of his were spiritual and their action encouraged him to make God’s service his career from a young age. Even though he saw corrupt priests take advantage of others, he remained loyal, honest and brave. Hint: he was lent to Jehovah by his parents….
It's Samuel
3 JW mobile applications…they are :...
JW Library, JW Language, JW Sign Language
In victory I was promised to Shiloh…
It's Jephthah's daughter
"The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge, Only fools despise wisdom and discipline."
Proverbs 1:7
What object was featured in Jacob’s dream at Bethel?
Jehovah is Salvation. Hint: it's His name meaning
It's Jesus the King of Jehovah's Kingdom
"House of God"…
It's Bethel ; Genesis 28:17 & 19