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Bible Truths
Jehovah's Organization
Truths about Jesus

Unlike the lifeless false gods of the nations, David knew this truth about the type of god Jehovah is and was therefore able to put full trust in him for protection.

What is the living God?


She hid the spies and tied a scarlet cord in her window. 

Who was Rahab?


Jesus confirmed this is the true condition of the dead.

What is unconscious or sleeping?


This is the name of the buildings in which we meet. It acknowledges that it is reserved for meeting about God's Kingdom.

What is a Kingdom Hall?


To teach his disciples a lesson in humility, Jesus performed this lowly task for them.

What is feet washing?


This metaphor for a safe solid unmoving (mountain) structure was used by David and Jehovah to describe Jehovah's stability and security.

What is a rock (or my rock)?


For him, Jehovah made the sun stand still.

Who was Joshua?


This is Jehovah's active force and is more powerful than anything else.

What is the Holy Spirit?


This is one of the ways Jehovah's organization helps his servants around the earth.

What is

 - Translating truth into their language?

 - Helping after a disaster?
 - Providing loving overseers?
 - Providing congregations of friends?
 - Providing legal help?


With this illustration, Jesus taught us that we should be kind to everyone, no matter what their background is.

What is the story of the good samaritan?


Due to his prominence as a saving force for the family of Jacob, the nations of Israel are sometimes referred to by this one son's name. He also prophetically pointed to Jesus.

Who was Joseph?


Jehovah asked Abraham to sacrifice this son to show how hard it was going to be for him to sacrifice Jesus.

Who was Isaac?


This was a valley where trash was burned and NOT hellfire.

What was Gehenna?


This specialized language for the hearing impaired benefits from the new video format available.

What is sign language?


Despite being saddened at the new of John the baptizer's tragic death, Jesus still did this for the crowd that followed him to his new location.

What is:

 - Healed the sick
 - Miraculously fed the entire crowd


A simple presentation by Josue Umana featured asking the householder if they would like to live without the need for doctor visits and then sharing this Bible verse.

What is Revelation 21:4?


David fought these 2 animals to protect his sheep.

What are a bear and a lion?


He was prophet of Jehovah that learned lessons from bottle gourds and a very large fish.

Who was Jonah?


This is our current favorite member of the Governing Body.

Who is Samuel F. Herd?

Jesus has received this since being resurrected to heaven.

What is 

 - Immortality
 - Kingship of all of Jehovah's creation
 - Office of High Priest in our behalf


This minor surgical procedure optionally performed on baby boys was a topic of much concern, prayer and discussion in the first century Christian congregation.

What is circumcision?


This disciple cut the ear off of the slave of the high priest hoping to protet Jesus.

Who is Peter?


This is the solution to all of the problems of Satan's system of things.

What is God's Kingdom?


Formerly the Presiding Overseer, or PO, the Coordinator of the Body of Elders now has this acronym.

What is a COBE?


Jesus directly resisted this temptation from Satan.

What is:

 - Turning stones to bread
 - Showing off his protection from Jehovah by jumping off the temple
 - The chance to rule all of the earth's kingdoms
