Death rides this animal
What is a ...
The woman that was successful in getting Samson to divulge the source of his strength?
Who is ...
He was the brother of Moses He had an older sister named Miriam He spoke for Moses
Who is Aaron?
Number of witnesses needed to verify the truth of a matter
What is the number...
The most popular last name in our Congregation.
What is ...
First animal let out of the ark
What is a...
the woman that made her son a coat each year and took it to him
Who is...
He was a -Shepard -Musician/Poet -Soldier/Statesman -Prophet/King
Who is ...
About how many times was Jehovah's name mentioned in the bible?
How many is...
7,000 times
He is the Congregation Secretary.
Who is ...
Brother Earl Price
This animal was killed by Samson, and he later found honey in the carcass:
What is a...
The woman that hid two spies under some piles of flax on her roof
Who is...
Woman who moved to Judea with her mother-in-law
Who is...
Number that represents Unity
What is...
1 one
The number of elders at West Huntersville Congregation
What is ...
Samson used the jawbone of this animal to slay a thousand Philistines
What is a...
The woman that led the women of Israel out in a dance when they crossed the Red Sea
Who is...
This person wasn't the favorite child This person was faithful to Jehovah He had a brother
Who is ...
Number of children Job had.
What is...
10 (7sons and 3 daughters)
THis person says "you step over a dollar to pick up a nickel."
Who is ...
Brother Rob Faust
This animal made a disciple aware of his sin
What is a...
The mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam
Who is...
His names means twin He was known for in the bible to express his doubts and his questions He had known Jesus personally
Who is Thomas?
Number of that represents incomplete.
What is the number...
The newest elder and ministerial servants
Who are...
Brother Washington
Brother Rich Giles and Brother Gian Giles