She looked, she listened, she desired, she ate, she died.
Who is Eve?
What is Leviathan? (Job 3:8)
This woman took the instrument below in her hand, leading other women, in singing:
"Sing to Jehovah, for he has become highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea."
Who is Miriam? (Ex. 15:20,21)
The disciple that Jesus "loved".
Who is John?
The feet of the prophetic image described by this prophet is now understood to represent the Anglo-American World Power, the one that will still be dominant when God's Kingdom crushes the entire symbolic image. (2011)
Who is Daniel?
A pagan princess who became a domineering queen. She fed 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the sacred pole from her own royal table a the State's expense, but ordered all the prophets of Jehovah killed. aka "Mrs. dog food".
Who is Jezebel?
What is Behemoth? (Job 40:15)
The name of the first musical instrument mentioned in Scripture.
What is a harp? (Gen. 4:21)
Though one was much younger and the other would have been king, they shared a special bond.
Who are David and Jonathan?
The Watchtower of November 15, 2014, outlined an adjustment in how elders and ministerial servants are appointed. Following the biblical example of the first-century, these brothers are now authorized to make such appointments.
Who are traveling overseers? (ie circuit overseers)
This congregation in the first century tolerated "that woman Jezebel", referring to someone or a group of women in the congregation who taught false religion and supported idolatry.
What was Thyatira?
Jehovah asked Job, "who prepares food" for this bird "when its young cry to God for help"?
What is the Raven? (Job 38:41)
1. This musical video/song was released at the end of the Regional Convention in 2018.
2. It contained characters from the previous two conventions with the themes..
What is "Give Me Courage"?
What are "Don't Give Up!" (2017) and "Remain Loyal to Jehovah" (2016)?
(Knowledge Bonus: Can you name some of the characters in the video?)
"...for where you go I will go,.....Your people will be my people, and your God my God."
Who are Ruth and Naomi?
As an expression of joy, there may well be spontaneous, dignified applause when the elders make an announcement of this, according to Jesus illustration in Luke chapter 15.
What is a reinstatement? (w16 May pp. 30-32)
She was a traitor to her nation. For $2400 she "pressured" and "urged" to the point where the object of her "love" felt "impatient to the point of dying".
While he slept, she cut.
Who is Delilah?
This bird leaves "her eggs on the ground, and she keeps them warm in the dust. Though "God has deprived her of wisdom" when she "rises up and flaps her wings, she laughs at the horse and at its rider."
What is an ostrich? (Job 39:13)
About one tenth of the Bible is song, with the foremost examples being the Psalms, Lamentations and this other bible book.
What is The Song of Solomon?
These two missionaries traveled extensively to build up the first century congregation, so much so that people thought they were Zeus and Hermes.
Who are Paul and Barnabas?
Though similar in traits, they are different. (2015)
One is a coalition of nations that will attempt to annihilate God's people.
The other represents rebellious humans that will encircle righteous mankind during the final test.
1. Who is "Gog of Magog"? (Eze. 38:2)
2. Who are "Gog and Magog"? (Rev. 20:8)
A selfish woman, guilty of insubordination. She refused to leave her own banquet to appear in front of her husband, the king. That is why he "upgraded" to a new model.
Who is Persian Queen Vashti?
"I have made the desert plain its home and the salt land its dwelling.
It scorns the tumult of the city; It does not hear the shouts of the driver. It roams the hills, seeking pasture, looking for every green plant.."
What is the Wild Donkey? (Job 39:6-8)
Original language of this Original Song from JW Broadcasting is Lingala.
What is "With Jehovah, We Are One"?
The name of Sophia's older friend in the series Become Jehovah's Friend.
Who was Sister Elsa?
The combination of the new heavens and the new earth. It will be a new arrangement, including both the heavenly Kingdom government and mankind serving Jehovah on a paradise earth. Personally, I think Aladdin would love to be there....
What is "the new world"? (w18 December p. 8)