Christmas Ornaments
Movie Quotes
Holiday Traditions
Tipsy Trivia
Family Vacations

You cannot find it on every tree, but you could definitely find this silver stringy stuff on every Spector Christmas tree.

What is tinsel?

Bonus question: Typically, the Spector Family decorated its Christmas tree on what day each year?


Bonus question: What song is Ed Norton singing when he throws tinsel onto the tree in the Honeymooners Christmas special?


"You had me at hello."

What is Jerry Maguire?

Bonus Question: Identify the movie from this quote:

"Houston, we have a problem."

Second Bonus Question: In what Christmas movie does the actor who said this quote have the lead?


On Christmas Eve, our family traditionally played this song, as performed by Mahalia Jackson.

What is Go Tell it On the Mountain?

Bonus Question: We also played the Christmas Song, as performed by this famous singer?


This holiday favorite often led to bad behavior and sometimes a few broken glasses.

What is champagne?

Bonus Question: What brand was Mom's favorite?


The resort where Mom and Dad went for their honeymoon, where we spent a family vacation in the late 80s and where we celebrated their 50th anniversary.

What is the Nevele?

Bonus Question: Where is it located?


What did the Spector family tree topper look like?

Two possible answers. Either a colorful light up angel that plugged into the light strand at the top, or a silver and red ball with a pointed cylinder tip.

Bonus question: What kind of lights did we use?


"I'll have what she's having."

What is When Harry Met Sally?

Bonus Question: Who were the actors who played the two lead characters in this movie? 

Double Bonus: What famous role did one of the supporting actors play in a movie franchise that spanned over five decades?


Watching Christmas movies is a favorite tradition. This is typically the first movie we watch after Thanksgiving Dinner.

What is the Santa Clause?

Bonus question: What was the movie we always watched on Christmas Eve?

Double bonus: Finish this quote: "Maybe you better leave some milk and cookies out, just in case."


Though Gin and Tonics were the favorite of the summer, Mom often relied on this old favorite in the winter.

What is a Southern Comfort sour?

Bonus question: What were the favorite brands of gin, rum and vodka?


The family loved to go to the Jersey Shore and vacationed in these shore cities throughout the 1990s.

What are Avalon, Stone Harbor, Sea Isle City, and Long Beach Island?

Bonus question: What is the best thing to eat on the Boardwalk?

Double bonus: What are the two best things to do on the Boardwalk?


This ornament was so fancy and delicate that the Spector children would fight each year about who got to put them up, until all but one broke.

What is a silver bell?

Bonus question: Typically, we would hide this ornament inside the tree and then see who could find it.


"You can't handle the truth!"

What is A Few Good Men?

Bonus Question: What role did one of the lead characters in this movie play in Santa Clause 2 and 3?


Before the Spector family visited New York City every Christmas Eve, they visited this famous city each December 24th.

What is Washington D.C.? 

Bonus Question: What meal did Mom traditionally make on Christmas Eve?


No holiday would be complete without beer. This more recent favorite is often served with cinnamon around the glass.

What is Sam Adams Winter Lager?

Bonus Question: This brand of beer produced the 12 beers of Christmas (they are now called the 12 beers of Winter) and included such flavors as a Mocha Stout and a Carmel Porter. 


Camping trips were a common family trip. We often went camping with this group and camped using this thing.

What is the Unitarian Church, and a pop-up camper?

Bonus Question: What is the funniest or most disturbing thing that ever happened during a family camping trip? 

Alternate Bonus Question: To what famous event did we go camping in the summer of 1976 (not the bi-centennial)?


In Dr. Seuss's The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, this is what the Grinch tells Cindy Lou about why he is taking her Christmas tree.

What is, "There's a light on this tree that won't light on one side." 

Bonus Question: In Jim Carrey's version of this story, what reasons does he give for not going to the Whobilation? The nerve of those Whose. Inviting me down there on such short notice! Even if I wanted to go, my schedule wouldn't allow it.


"It takes a good deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but it takes a great deal more to stand up to your friends."

What is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone?

Bonus Question: What actor said this line?


Our holiday hosts for the past many years have been Neil's family and Sue's family. In 2018, pair the holiday with the family who hosted it. 

For 2018, what is Neil's family hosted Thanksgiving, and Sue's family hosted Christmas.

Bonus question: in 2019, Rob and Quinn ended up back at Sue's house three days after Thanksgiving. Why?


In the old days, we would sometimes drink this religious-themed, German brand white wine, which was a sweet, white wine classified as a Liebfraumilch and saw its highest popularity in the U.S. in the mid-1980s. It soon became considered tacky. 

What is Blue Nun?

Bonus question: Before Toasted Head, J. Lohr and Sterling Vineyards, this overpriced white wine became the family favorite and replaced Sutter Home as Gretchen's go to wine.


In the movie, Christmas Vacation, what does Clark want to buy with his Christmas bonus?

What is a swimming pool?

Bonus Question: What did he receive as his bonus?

Double Bonus Question: In the movie, A Christmas Story, what was the present that Ralphie wanted? Why didn't his mother want him to have it?


The giant red Christmas balls in New York City are found in this location.

What is Sixth Avenue, directly across from Radio City Music Hall?

Bonus Question: How many balls are there?


"You are going to need a bigger boat."

What is Jaws?

Bonus question: Name the movie: "Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one."


In addition to Thanksgiving and Christmas, we often would gather during this holiday to celebrate Mom's birthday.

What is Labor Day?

Bonus Question: Although Gin and Tonic was Mom's drink of choice in those days, what drink did she later adopt as her favorite? Why?


This is the drink that the angel orders in It's A Wonderful Life.

What is mulled wine, though a flaming rum punch would also have been accepted?

Bonus Question: What response does the angel receive to his request.


During a camping trip to New England, Poppop hurt his arm and required medical treatment after a mishap on this outdoor ride.

What is the Alpine Slide?

Bonus Question: The family went on another Alpine Slide in an amusement park near the Great Gorge Resort - what was the name of the amusement park?
